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"Again! Again! Again! Maze pummels the three time reigning champion, Cherry. Leaving her, grasping out for a helping hand. What is the ref saying?"

He waved his hands in a slicing motion, meaning Cherry is out, giving Maze the win. She rises to her feet, looking down at her opponent as she raises her arms in the air and let's out a mighty cheer to show her victory.

"Maze takes the win!" Shouted the commentator as the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Miss Campbell, I've got to admit. You impressed me with today's win."

"Miss Campbell?"

"Miss Maisey Campbell!" Shouted Miss Kym.

Maisey lifted her head from the desk, her face stuck to paper by the drool that was slowly running down her cheek. All the students turned to look at her, giving her the evils for interrupting their lesson time.

"My bad, miss. It was a late night."

"I can see that, Miss Campbell. See you in detention after school."

"But I did the work."

"And drew on my desk in the process."

"Again, it's not your desk."

"Oh, you want to talk back now?" Asked Miss Kym.

"No, sorry ma'am." Apologised Maisey as she started to pack up her stuff along with everybody else.

"Mhm, you stay behind."

"But Miss I'll be late to lunch and it's chip Friday."

"Don't give me that bull, we both know you don't eat the cafeteria food unless it's the store bought sandwiches."

"Yeah, you're right."

"What's going on?"

"It's nothing. Just can't sleep."

"It doesn't sound like nothing. I'll write you a note to see the counsellor."

"Please don't. She'll call Sarah and I don't want to deal with it."

"Maisey, she's going to hear about the detention too."

"Miss, you don't understand."

"Then explain it to me."

Maisey hates lying. It's one of her top rules that she keeps to herself. Don't lie, it'll only make things worse.

"Stomach cramps have been keeping me up."

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Yeah. It's the worse they've ever been."

Technically she wasn't lying; her stomach has hurt every night for the past week but it wasn't due to stomach cramps.

Walking into the toilet cubicle, Maisey carefully took her top off, occasionally wincing at the pain that shot up her side every time she moved or even just breathed. If the description black and blue needed a picture, you could just look at Maisey's body and understand what the words meant.

Slowly sliding down the wall, Maisey took a deep breath, knowing she was going to have to talk Sarah - her group home leader - into taking her to the hospital.

However, when Maisey returned home, the place was dead silent, giving the place an eery atmosphere which didn't sit right with her. As she turned the corner, she let out the breath she was holding when she saw Amelia, her roommate, making dinner.

"Hey, I'll give you hand." Said Maisey as she looked at the cookbook and then grabbed the eggs, pepper and carrot out.

"Thanks. How did you sleep last night? You were out of the house so quickly this morning, I barely got a chance to even say morning to you."

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