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After the incident at the hospital, Antonio headed home for some sleep, dropping Derek home on the way. Kage stayed so he could talk to Maisey because so far, he hasn't had longer than two minutes with her.

At least not with right mind. He's too busy thinking about Clarissa and the case.

While they were here, there and everywhere, Jay and Kevin headed over to Walter's again to see if he had any information regarding the bodies of the fights or at least anything that could help them win the case.

As they walked in, their ears were filled with laughter and chatter as the usual Sunday walking group were having their coffees and cakes.

Walter didn't even look up as he spoke, already knowing that something was wrong with Maisey.

"You guys mess up again? Make promises you can't keep?" He asked as he started making some coffees.

"Last few days have been hectic. Is there someplace we could talk? Privately?" Asked Jay as he looked around the room to see pairs of eyes glaring back at him.

"I can't help you gentlemen." Said Walter as he placed the free coffees in front of the men.

"Maisey is in hospital. She's in a coma and we need your help to nail Clarissa's ass." Said Jay.

"Have you been practicing that speech all day?" Laughed Walter as he shook his head, not believing what Jay had said.

Kevin pulled his phone from his pocket, showing Walter a picture. The color drained from his face, dripping onto his clothes and down to the floor.

"W-what? No. That must be edited. You're lying."

"Wanna talk privately now?" Asked Kevin as Walter called another staff member to take over and pulled the pair down to the basement like last time.

"What happened?"

"Clarissa, Maisey's mom happened. She shot her in a bad place." Explained Kevin as he poked around at the dusty shelves before Walter smacked his hand away.

"Why did you guys come here? I'm happy to have been told but a phone call would've been suffice."

"We were wondering if you knew anything about where the bodies of some of the fighters are. Even when Maisey does wake up, she doesn't know. Some of her fighter mates know but they won't talk to us."

"Why do you think I would help you? Any of you?" He said as he rummaged through some boxes, making the two grab their guns. "Cool it, detectives. I ain't gonna shoot you." Finished Walter as he placed some boxes on an old table.

The table creaked and swayed slightly, making Walter look at the leg for a bit before he took the lids off of the boxes and stared at them.

"I'm not your servant. Look through it yourself." He snapped as he dumped himself down in a chair. "She's okay, right?"

"Yeah. We don't know when she'll wake though." Said Jay as he looked through countless files, cringing at the pictures he saw. "Where did you get these?"

"I told you guys the first time that you came here, there was a fire at a boxing club. Frank lost all his files." Smirked Walter as he flicked a lighter in his hands.

"You set it." Said Kevin, shock painting his face.

"Yeah and I'd do it all over again. Maisey came here, that night. Coughing up blood and begging me to let her die in peace. She was in pain and wasn't thinking straight. I saw the potential she had in her life, not the rings, her real life. So I refused. Andrew took her to a private hospital and I set his place on fire. You gonna arrest me?"

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