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*Maisey's Pov*

It had been six weeks since the incident at the mall, meaning I could get back into boxing and the gym. However, the doctor hadn't signed off on it yet due to Antonio advising against it.

Exercise relaxes my mind and makes me feel at ease, sitting around doing nothing, panics me and stresses my mind out.

At the time, I thought it was a smart idea that I had planned out and gone over millions of times but I was wrong. Antonio may not be a doctor but he knows what is best for me and he knows when I should take it slow. But of course I didn't listen because I never do.

Maybe if I had listened to my mom and picked up tutus instead of gloves, I wouldn't be scared for my life. She probably would have still left but at least she would've taken me with her. We could've started a new life and had that mother daughter relationship that I so desperately crave but I didn't listen.

And so it's my fault.

"We have to call him to check that you can still do PE."

"It's written in that note there. He even signed it." I said as I pointed at the tatty piece of paper.

"It's for your safety as well as ours. We don't want the school getting sued over some false note."

"He's busy with work and an important case. He won't answer."

"We have to try."

Biting my lip, I looked around desperately, hoping to come up with some other excuse of why he wouldn't pick up and that they should just let me join in on the lesson.

"How about just for today I can join in? You can call him before next week and ask. Please."

"Fine. Go get changed." Sighed my teacher as he placed the phone back down.

When I walked into the hall, Derek shook his head and looked away as the girls came jogging over to me. Lily looked at me first, giving me the you should listen to Antonio look. With a shake of my head, I dismissed her concerns and laughed along with the others as we spoke about our tac tics on how to win dodgeball.

Or at least a version of dodgeball.

"Maisey should be the medic. She's fast." Suggested Claire while Hannah checked out the other teams.

This version of dogeball was much better than just throwing balls at each other. Each team had a medic, who was the only one that could get the other team members back. If the medic was to get hit, the only chance at winning is to take out the whole other team without losing your own team.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I took the smelly bib. "God, I swear these never got washed."

"They do!" Shouted Mr Jones, our teacher.

So far, we were in the lead, just beating Derek's team.

Our tactic was to protect the medic, which was me, while taking out the other team. The girls would stand in front of me while the guys would lob the balls at the other team. Before you call it sexist and all that, just know that my friends hate everything to do with dogeball. We only love it when the people we hate get hit with a ball or when something funny happens. Like Derek getting hit in the face. Twice.

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