The Calm Before The Storm

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*No One's Pov*

Everyone was gathered at the hospital, even the entirety of 51, not that they all knew Maisey or had even interacted with her but they see Intelligence as family and any family of theirs is a family to them.

The waiting room was pretty bland with plain white walls and a pink, marble strip across 3/4 of the wall. Rows upon rows of chairs stood comfortably in their oak furnishings, ready to do their service. Almost all of the chairs were empty apart from a few where nervous people leant against walls or sat on the floor, in fear that they'd collapse if the news was bad.

Antonio was stood outside the room, watching Crockett do checks and evaluations while detaching some unimportant wires. They were important at the start but now Maisey was able to pump her own blood without complications that she didn't need a back up machine.

Dressed in his usual black subs, Crockett joined Antonio outside with a hopeful look on his face.

"We would like to attempt to wake her up. To do that, we will take out the tube that is currently in her mouth while she is asleep to get her breathing on her own. If we knew she'd wake up right away, we would take it out while she was aware and awake but people are usually not themselves when they come out of a coma; medically induced or not." He explained in detail.

"So, what does that mean? Will she talk right away or even move or just not do anything?"

"Her eyes will move first, to observe what is going on but her throat will be extremely dry, meaning she'll need water before she speaks. She's still weak, Antonio, she probably won't move. As a usual test, I'll get her to squeeze my hand. Are you ready?"

Antonio thought hard for a moment. Obviously he was ready to wake her up but it was a lot for both of them to go through.

"We advise that you have someone else in the room with you," Said Crockett as he pushed one of the sliding doors open. "Hank would probab-"

"No. Not Hank. I'll go get Jay." Said Antonio as he left the room and grabbed the other detective.

They both stood in the room, looking down at Maisey as Antonio's hands shook in fear and excitement. Jay stood next to him, holding his shoulders to brace Antonio for the good or the bad.

Loud erratic beeps filled the room as the tube was removed and Crockett stood by Maisey, switching off all the machines around her other than the drip.

"C'mon, Maisey. You can do it. C'mon." Pleaded Crockett as he stood by the bed, looking at her chest, waiting for it to fall and rise.

"C'mon, sweetie. Fight it, Maisey. You can do it." Begged Antonio as Maisey inhaled a large breath.

Antonio rushed over almost instantly, holding onto Maisey's hand as her eyes moved rapidly around the room before landing on his face. His smile was wide and his eyes were teary as he kissed her hand that was in his.

"Maisey, it's me. Doctor Marcel. You're in the hospital after you were shot." Her heart beat rose at that sentence, creating a more profound and quicker beep. "It's okay. You're safe. Antonio is next to you and Jay is also in here. No one can harm you."

Maisey nodded slightly before she closed her eyes again, letting out a heavy breath. Crockett felt a squeeze come from her hand when he had instructed her to and immediately rushed to write it down in her notes.

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