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*Maisey's Pov*

My body ached and it took a lot of effort to even open my eyes. Looking around the place, I recognised the familiar guest bedroom with navy sheets and cream walls but I didn't recognise the blurred person in the corner.

Attempting to shuffle back, I gripped the sheets as pain spread throughout my body. My breathing was heavy but short as I tried to suck up the pain.

"H-Help." I tried to scream but it came out as more of a whisper due to the dryness in my throat.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." Said the person as they got closer to me.

"I don't know you." I cried.

"It's me, Kelly. Andrew said you've got a concussion but I thought you'd remember me, remember us. You came into our firehouse."

Shaking my head rapidly, I began to cry, confused on who he was and what had happened for me to get here.

"You kicked the door that sent me flying." He said with a soft voice as he sat by my side snd held my hand in his.

Exhaling slowly, I quickly nodded, telling him that I understood.


"Andrew and Derek went out to get some food. Blake's downstairs. I can get him for you."

"Y-yeah. That would be great."

The second he left the room, I relaxed into the pillows, putting my hands on my head, desperately trying to think back to before the firehouse.

"For once, Kana, do what you're told. Run!"

The words were etched into my mind, melting my brain into mush as I sat there thinking. I should've fought more. I should've grabbed him and begged him not to let me go.

I don't know what difference it would've made though; Kage was pretty set on getting me out of there. I just wish I could've done more.

"Second guessing yourself, huh?" Said Blake as he walked in with Kelly and another guy.

"I'm Chief Boden. It was my firehouse you ran into."

"You all seem pretty annoyed that I entered your firehouse in the first place. You didn't have to stick around. The door is downstairs if you want to leave." I snapped.

"Maisey." Warned Andrew as he walked into the room and gave me a cold drink. "These men helped you. They brought you to us. They didn't have to do that. They could've ignored you and taken you to the hospital but they didn't. They trusted you."

"Sorry." I said while dropping my head.

"It's okay," Said Blake as he sat down on the floor by the window. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Where's Kage?"

Andrew looked at Derek with a sad expression before he looked back to me but none of them wanted to speak.

"They're okay, right? Frank was caught and they're back at the station closing the case. Kage has a few cracked ribs but that's it, right?"

"Maisey." Said Andrew in a soft voice as he held my hand.



"Please, please. No, no, no. I-I can't. Please. He can't be dead."

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