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"I met a girl once,
She sort of ripped me open."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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I wake up all sweaty with Nadia sleeping peacefully with her head resting on my chest. She always looks so beautiful when she sleeps as it's the most at ease she ever looks. Her world stops spinning when she sleeps and her brain seems to forget that she is in pain.

I have a plan for what I want to do today and I need to start getting it all ready now before Nadia wakes up but I don't want to disturb her as she looks truly content. She has a little crease between her eyebrows as she dreams, making her look even more adorable as she dreams away.

I wonder what she is dreaming about.

I gently lift her head up with my hands so I can try and get out from under her and once I've managed to do so, I place a pillow under her head and gently place her head back down on it. I take my thumb and rub it between her eyebrows, erasing the crease that was formed there. Her skin is without wrinkles but in a few years time she will have very prominent frown lines because her face is always in a constant frown.

I pull the duvet back over her as I don't want her to get too cold as she is still naked from last night. I find my t-shirt that I wore yesterday and place it on the end of the bed for her to put on when she wakes up. I also find my shorts and slip them on because even though Nadia and I are home alone, I don't want to be walking around someone else's house naked when I have no idea when they will be back.

My stomach grumbles at me so I head downstairs and grab a packet of salt and vinegar crisps out of the cupboard then I get another one for good luck and eat those so I actually have some energy for the day.

Once I've finished I am still hungry but I make do as I have a lot of shit to do today. It is currently nine a.m so I will be safe from Nadia waking up for a good few hours yet, which hopefully gives me enough time to do everything. Yesterday I put a delivery through on Tesco with some food and supplies I need and that is due at eleven so in the meantime, I am going up to their attic in search of their Christmas decorations. I made sure to ask Willem where they were and get permission from him to put them up before doing anything as I wasn't about to make myself that much at home, even though I knew I could.

I want to make this time with Nadia even more special, especially after what happened between us last night and it will be nice for his mum and dad not to have to put them all up for a change, even if I do it all wrong..

I steal one of Willem's t-shirts that are in a pile in the laundry room and open the back door, letting Nadia's dog, Bella out, then head to the shed to find the ladder and bring it upstairs with me so I can get into the attic. I close the door behind me as Bella isn't wanting to come inside yet, she is too busy sniffing around in the garden. I was right in saying that the snow wouldn't set last night as only slush remains on the ground. Bella will be okay outside in this temperature, she has a coat of fur. Plus, she will scratch at the door when she decides she wants to come in.

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