Chapter 2. Blackmail

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It was finally time for the annual covention. The large building housing the event was filled to the brim with witches and demons that were either looking forward to joining a coven or coven members who were there to show the perks of joining. And it was a convenient time, too. Because Luz, alongside Eda, King, Willow, and Gus, entered the building and absorbed the sight. Several booths were set up inside, each with a sign for one coven or another. From the ceiling were hanging nine colorful banners representing the main ones.

"Whoa...Was I even alive before now?" Luz asked with wide eyes. Gus gestured to the nine banners above the booths.

"Those are the main nine covens, but there are hundreds of other ones you can join," he explained as they walked past the booths.

As they walked away, another person entered the building. Sturm walked through the doors and watched the group walk around the booths. He was confused about Luz's presence. He saw no reason for her to be here; that girl couldn't even control magic. Either way, seeing her there was just a coincidence. He had better things to do than to observe her. He entered a theater and sat at the highest point of the upper stand to watch the arena, which had a stage underneath a banner with the Emperor's Coven symbol.

The lights started to dim down, signaling the beginning of the presentation.

Music started to play as Principal Bump of Hexside appeared from a green pillar of energy. The spotlight shone on him as the crowd applauded and cheered. He then made a small magic circle that conjured a microphone with bat wings.

"Hello, Bonesborough! Students ask me all the time, 'Principal Bump, what's the height of magical achievement?'"

"Is it this?!" said one of the students before doing his own spell that grew his head to freakishly large proportions. However, his neck couldn't support the weight of it and tilted over, crushing another student.

"Wow. I failed you as a principal," Bump said, wincing at what he saw. He then grabbed the mic and continued. "It's being selected to join the best of the best. And there are none better than the jewel of the coven system and the enforcers of his will, the Emperor's Coven."

As he said this, three scouts of the Emperor's Coven emerged from the floor in front of Bump. The crowd cheered and clapped for them, amazed by their entrance.

"Feast your eyes on this elite force; each member handpicked to help usher in a new age of controlled magic," Bump said, and the crowd watched as the three coven members held up their fingers and drew their own spell circles, shooting their separate types of magic in the air, combining into a giant firework. "Members of the Emperor's Coven have access to all—yes, all forms of magic. Ooh. Aah." The crowd imitated Bump's 'ooh' and 'aah' for some strange reason, but it worked, regardless. "But...only the best can ascend these ranks. Some day that could be one of you!"

He pointed at someone in the crowd. Sturm's red eyes widened, thinking Bump was pointing at him. Unfortunately, that brief moment of feeling appreciated was ruined when he followed his finger and saw that he was gesturing to none other than Amity Blight, the girl who prevented him from reaching his potential. When Bump pointed at her, she squealed excitedly at his words.

When Sturm saw this, he glared intensely at her and growled furiously as electricity briefly crackled around him. If not for the dozens of people to bear witness, he would've done plenty of unspeakable things to Amity out of sheer annoyance and anger. She was put on a pedestal she did not deserve, and he hated her for it. She was weak compared to him. She was a brat. He knew this, but no one else was aware of it. She stood in the way of his goals, and he was forced to let it all slide. This could not stand.

But he couldn't do anything about it.

As Sturm continued to brood, the three coven soldiers grabbed the corners of their capes and, in unison, raised them up, causing them to magically disappear as Bump continued on with the introductions.

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