Chapter 8. Grudge Match

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"You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared."

That was Boscha's morning mantra, and she always said it without fail while preparing for school.

She looked into the mirror of her vanity table with her hair down. She put her hair into the usual bun and stood up, looking around her room and seeing every reason to feel proud of herself. On every wall of her bedroom were shelves filled with numerous medals and trophies from her victories.

Boscha then slipped on a varsity jacket before heading for the door. Before leaving the room, she stopped and looked at her calendar beside the doorway, smirking.

"Most important of all... you are a winner."

She ripped off a page of her calendar before walking out the door. The whole month had been marked 'Grudgby Season.'

It was her time to shine once again. And this time, she would show no mercy to her opponents.

Boscha walked through the streets of Bonesborough, dribbling a Grudgby ball with her eyes closed and smirking. She passed by several mesmerized onlookers, admiring her as she walked past them.

"There she goes. Captain of the Banshees," said a lady, "Off to win another championship for Hexside."

The old demon woman next to her turned to her grandchild.

"Why can't you be more like her?"

Her grandchild breathed in deeply with an expression that simply said, 'I am going to murder you one day.'

Soon, the famous Captain of the Banshees approached Hexside. The school was decorated with blue and yellow flags and streamers. As Boscha approached, a giant banner magically unfurled over the school, saying "GO GET 'EM, BANSHEES!"

Boscha stopped just a few feet from the double doors to see her teammates, Skara, Amelia, and Cat. They were waiting for her. Boscha spun the ball on her finger and threw it away over her shoulder. After that, she snapped her fingers, and her teammates gathered behind her.

"Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first," she said, approaching the doors. Grabbing both handles, Boscha threw open the doors and entered the school to announce her presence. "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived! The groveling line starts here."

She closed her eyes and pointed to the floor before her feet. However, when she opened her eyes, Boscha was confused.

"Something's not right... Nobody's here!"

She looked around and saw that Hexside's halls were empty save a few balloons and some streamers. She was about to yell again until she caught sight of someone sitting on a bench near the doors. It took Boscha a second glance to see that the halls weren't completely empty.

Sturm was sitting on a bench, reading a book titled 'Illusion Magic 101.'

Boscha's heart would normally skip a beat whenever she saw her crush, but at that moment, she was too angry to care. Thinking that he could somehow explain what was happening, Boscha marched over to Sturm and stopped before him.

"Sturm!" she barked, pushing the book down to make him look up at her.

"I was reading that," Sturm complained.

"I demand to know why no one's here to see the Grudgby team," she said, crossing her arms.

"Probably because they're too busy admiring someone else," he explained deliberately. To say that Boscha was jealous would be an understatement.

"Someone else?!?" she exploded, making her teammates flinch, but Sturm was still like a statue. He didn't even blink. "Who dares steal the spotlight from me?!"

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