Chapter 9. The Castle

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During the last Grudgby match, Amity hurt her leg when she got tackled by Boscha. It was quite the injury, but there was nothing a little bit of rest, a leg cast and some healing glyphs couldn't fix.

Unfortunately, Amity had to miss a few days of school until she could walk again.

One morning, Amity was sound asleep in her bed with her injured leg on a pillow. As the girl gave little snores, the door gently opened, and Sturm walked in, holding a plate of green eggs and ham along with some toast with butter and fire bee honey.

He almost made no sound when he walked in. Upon seeing Amity asleep on the bed, he slammed the door shut behind him with all his might. The sudden noise scared the young Blight out of her sleep.

"AAAH!" Amity shouted as she sat up, but her expression soured when she saw Sturm standing there. "Oh, for Titan's sake!"

"Hahaha. Oh, you should've seen the look on your face!" Sturm said, laughing his head off.

"What are you doing in my room?!"

"Well, your parents and siblings are too busy to take care of you. So your mom told me to bring you breakfast."

"Just put the food on my nightstand and get out," Amity said firmly. Sturm just smirked at her.

"If you say so."

Sturm walked beside Amity's bed before deliberately taking the food off the plate and placing the eggs, ham, and toast upside down on her nightstand. And for the final touch, he pressed the plate on top of the food, making a mess.


This gesture of utter disrespect made Amity livid. She tried to come up with an insult, but she was too angry to come up with a clever reply, so she resorted to threats.

"I swear, if I didn't have my leg in a cast, I'd knock your teeth out!"

Sturm responded by giving a small laugh before sitting on the edge of the bed next to Amity.

"That's cute. I love it when you make promises you never keep. And speaking of which, remember the day the school announced a field trip to the Emperor's castle? You were SO excited! But now? You can't even get out of bed. And I'm taking your special seat."

Amity remained silent but kept her gaze on Sturm. She continued to stare at him in tranquil fury as Sturm kept smiling. Sturm took note of her silence and felt that something wasn't right.

"What? No more threats? No witty remarks? No diatribe about how worthless I am?"

"You don't deserve an answer from me."

"Heheh. Well, you just gave me one," Sturm chuckled before holding up a glass of water and showing it with a smile. "Thirsty?"

Amity was surprised at first. She didn't see him carry the glass along with her breakfast. And the truth was that she was indeed thirsty. When she opened her mouth to speak, Sturm cut her off.

"Didn't think so."

Then, he lifted the glass to his lips and drank in one go. Amity was fuming at this point. Before that, she only found Sturm annoying. But now? He was being nasty. When Sturm finished, he put the glass on the upside-down plate.

"Don't be upset- there are, like, five or six drops left. Oh, and I gotta go. Have fun staring at the ceiling."

With that said, Sturm zoomed out of the room, leaving Amity alone. The witch sighed with both relief and melancholy. Relief because she didn't have to talk to Sturm again, and melancholy for everything going wrong for her...and because her breakfast was ruined.

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