Chapter 10. Spiteful Expulsion

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Sturm didn't know how much time had passed since the heist at the Emperor's castle. It hardly mattered. For so long, he thought only about that plan, and when he finally put it into action, one mistake ruined it.

The only good thing about that stunt was that he managed to throw off the Emperor's Coven, and the burns on his back were mild, so a bit of healing magic took care of that. Everything else was a disaster. Sturm had planned the heist for longer than he wanted to admit, only to end with him walking away empty-handed. The only thing that would've secured the future he wanted was out of reach, and trying again was not an option. Essentially, he couldn't do anything about it.

For his own safety, Sturm decided he wouldn't say a word to anyone about what happened. Not that he was in the mood to do so anyway. After escaping, he became drained of energy and spirit. His usual sarcasm and dry humor were gone, replaced by lethargy. Sturm's daily routine had become mechanical and empty. He'd wake up, go to school, have lunch, work for the Blights, and get seven hours of sleep if he didn't work overtime.

Working for the Blights wasn't Sturm's first choice, but at least it served as a distraction in every sense of the word. It helped him keep a roof over his head, but he couldn't afford to miss a day of work, so he tried to balance his job and school life despite it being frustratingly difficult. Working also helped take his mind off of things that made him upset. But then again, his secret stash of chocolate bars also somewhat helped in that regard.

And one night, it was going to be a special event. Blight Industries had just finished a new product, and it was ready to be showcased to some investors at a private sale, which would take place at the main factory. Due to being a valuable member of the business, Sturm was also allowed to help with presentations alongside Amity. He would've preferred to do it alone, but he was in no position to negotiate. Sitting outside with the twins and putting papers that say 'HEX ME' on unsuspecting investors' backs sounded much better.

Now? He had to wait below the main stage with Amity, with the new product standing between them: a tall abomination clad in what appeared to be copper armor. Under normal circumstances, the two would start a fight before they could show off the product, but that night, not a word was said between them. Amity wanted to comment on Sturm's unusual mood but decided against it. The two teenagers said nothing and refused to look at each other. Instead, they listened to Odalia's slightly muffled voice coming from above.

"Welcome, valued investors, to our annual Blight Industries private sale!"

The two teens heard a thud from above, likely Alador clumsily tripping, but Odalia continued talking.

"If you're interested in reliable home security, we're here to help. And, if you've got an enemy or two... Well, who are we to judge?"

Sturm and Amity heard the investors laugh, but neither found that joke funny. Odalia kept going.

"This is my husband, Alador Blight, the greatest abomination creator of the era. My name is Odalia, and as an oracle, I predict you'll love what we've got in store for you tonight."

Amity looked downward at her neck and saw her necklace glow, likely her mother sending another telepathic message via their connection with their oracle amulets.

"We are proud to present... the first glimpse of our crowning achievement. The Abomaton Soldier!"

Odalia and Alador stepped aside as the ground opened, allowing the platform from below the stage to rise. Amity and Sturm appeared with dry expressions on their faces before presenting the Abomaton with synchronized gestures.

Sturm used to put up a show for the investors during past presentations. He would force a smile, pretend to be energetic, and feign enthusiasm with each step. But this time, he didn't even bother pretending to be excited.

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