Chapter 5. Inspection Gone Wrong

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The new semester finally came, and once again, Sturm strolled through the halls of Hexside to get to his locker.

He knew it would be another dull day going to class and having lunch before heading over to work, but at least he heard that Luz managed to enroll at Hexside. Sturm didn't know if this was good news or bad news. On the one hand, he wasn't bothered that Luz got what she wanted, but on the other, he knew that whenever that girl showed up, something weird happened, and the Boiling Isles was already a strange place to begin with.

If Sturm wanted to graduate in one piece, he had to keep his distance from the girl.

He finally reached his locker to put some textbooks into it, but it didn't take long before he heard the school's intercom turn on, and a voice was projected from the speakers.

"Mr. Sturm, please report to Principal Bump's office."

Sturm raised his eyebrow in confusion. He hadn't done anything to warrant a visit to the principal's office, but he followed the instruction anyway. He finished his business and headed for the office without zooming over there.

Upon entering the office, he saw Amity sitting before the principal's desk.

"Have a seat, Mr. Sturm," Bump said, gesturing to the chair next to Amity.

Sturm complied and sat beside the young Blight, much to his displeasure.

"Are we in trouble?" the white-haired boy asked.

"No," Bump smiled. "As you already know, we'll be shortly visited by an inspector from the Emperor's Coven. And since you two have the highest grades in your class, I am asking you to represent the Abomination track during the inspection."

"Why, though?" asked Amity. "The tracks from our school are always represented by one student. Plus, I'm considered the best. I should make the presentation alone."

Sturm scoffed the second he heard this and didn't miss the chance to mock Amity.

"Pff. Your grades have been dropping quite a bit as of late. I should make the presentation. Wouldn't want you to embarrass the inspector now, would we?"

"You won't do any better--"

"Enough!" Bump intervened, preventing the two teenagers from butting heads. "I have a solution. You two will work together and cooperate during your presentation. Whoever shows the best performance gets the title of Top Student. Does that sound fair to you?"

Sturm and Amity looked at each other from the corner of their eyes, assessing the situation and the offer given to them. The two worked together for the first time not too long ago, and they hated every moment of that time. And just like last time, they had no option to say no.

After a moment of silence, Amity spoke up.

"Yes, Principal Bump."

Sturm nodded in agreement.

"Good. We will meet in the auditorium in one hour. Dismissed."

With that said, the two teens got up from the chairs and left the office. Once they got out, they began bickering again.

"You'll never get that badge," Amity said to him.

"We'll see about that."


An hour finally passed, and the inspector finally arrived. She was led by Principal Bump to the auditorium and took the front-row seat to see the Hexside's finest students in action. When all the students from the Abomination track gathered around and took their seats, the presentation finally began.

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