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Brian Hazelwood

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Brian Hazelwood

Here I was, in Sugar Hill Park. A location known for its dangerous and criminal activities. And I'm here to tutor Mr. Armando Dominguez himself, the known gangster.

I've known Armando since elementary. I remember transferring to Texas from California. He never noticed me. We had a few classes here and there. The most he's ever acknowledged of me is bumping into me one time and apologizing. Either way, the two of us were essentially strangers.

And it didn't help that we were in different social circles and even classes. My family is prominent and has enough money where I can live comfortably. And I hang out with other studious friends that all prioritize their education. Meanwhile, Armando was known to be a member of a local group of troublemakers. He also comes from one of the poorer parts of town.

Still, when I was asked to tutor him, I didn't see him as a gangster or troublemaker like every other teacher and student sees. I saw a guy that just needed help.

It's a bit hypocritical that Armando warned me of not arriving late when it's been 10 minutes. Finally, I heard a loud motorcycle and turned to see Armando hopping off it and walking over to me.

Fuck. Even if he is a bad boy, he's also handsome.

"You're still here." Armando said in his deep voice.

"Yeah. But you're 10 minutes late." I replied.

"Shit. Sorry, little man. Got caught up with something." I looked down and saw his knuckles were red.

"Whatever. Just sit. Did you bring your books?" I asked.

"Uh..." He stammered. Nope, no books.

"You can borrow mine. We're going to be doing our literature assignment. I'm sure you've read The Catcher In The Rye?" I asked.

"We have a reading assignment?" Armando asked. I shook my head.

"We're halfway into the story. Just go home and read the Cliff Notes. Or maybe read the actual story." I pulled out some paper and began to write some sentences down. I then slid over the sheet to him. "This is essentially what the story is about. I think you'll like it."

"Alright, man. If you say so." He said. There was a honking sound. Armando turned as a guy with a cart walked down the path. He stood up and turned to me. "Want a drink?" He asked me.


"You look like a vanilla kind of guy. I'll be back." He stood up and walked away. I sat confused while Armando bought things from the guy. He returned with two cups of shaved ice with syrup. He slid over a yellow one.

"Can we get back?" I asked.

He chewed on the ice. "Mhm." He replied.

Luckily, Armando is able to grasp information quickly. I'm surprised he managed to understand everything I told him. In the end, while his paper wasn't the best, it was better than I could have imagined. His information all came from me. But it was good information.

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