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Armando Dominguez

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Armando Dominguez

Summer went by quicker than I expected. Back then, when I wanted summer to pass by quickly, it instead was a sluggish affair. But this year, when I wanted to spend the most with Brian, it was gone in a blink. But I know that there will be plenty more summers again.

I had said goodbye to my dad before we left. It was a tearful goodbye. But there was a promise that we would keep in contact with Javi as a mediator. Still, he's my fucking dad. And I only just got to know him.

Why was I so selfish? I should have given him a chance before. Nothing can fix what I've done. But I can work on healing.

The day of departure came. Brian's dad rented a large moving truck. I thought it was overboard until I saw Brian taking a whole dining set, bed, and other furniture. Meanwhile, I just had my bag of clothes and some pictures with me. I did use the card Mr. Hazelwood got me and bought some more outfits and some dorm essentials.

Once all the pieces were in order, we took the long drive from Dallas to Los Angeles. I've never been to California before. Throughout the drive, Mr. Hazelwood kept pointing out things he remembers from when he used to live here.

He recalled visiting the Santa Monica pier. He talked about the photos he and his family would take at the Urban Lights and visiting the Getty's Museum. Brian and I told each other that we would too visit these places.

Finally, we arrived at University Park. We took a stop and looked around the campus. Brian wore his father's USC sweater and knew he made the right choice. I just made sure that no drunk guys tried to hit on him.

Our dorm- or apartment- was located a block away from Brian's campus. Brian didn't want to live on campus, and I wanted to live in his bed so I didn't really care. We could get our place and do whatever we want.

"Selfie!" Brian caught me off guard and snapped a picture of the two of us. I just lightly smacked the side of his head. I checked the time on my phone. My lock screen was of me and Brian, both wearing leather jackets, and holding finger guns.

It was his idea.

The apartment was spacious enough for two college kids. Two college kids in love. Rosita quickly left her mark by hanging up her drawings. Javi and Mr. Hazelwood worked together to assemble the furniture. Brian, Ms. Hazelwood, and Briana talked about how they could decorate the rooms. I leaned back against a wall and watched everything unfold.

A few months ago, I was just lost in life. I didn't want to go to school, had a string of one-night stands, and was an overall aggressive person. But today, as I stood in the apartment that my boyfriend and I are going to co-own, I knew that this was what was missing in my life.

"Just don't join a frat." Briana told her brother.

"Nah, those aren't my places. Armando, though, looks like he could be in one." Brian said. I just shook my head.

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