Chapter Five: A Small Introduction

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"I'm telling you, Jake," Shane spoke while he, Seth, Jake, and Kylie walked down the hallway. "With you quarterback, me running back, and Seth wide receiver- the UCLA team of '28 will be unstoppable."

"Please Shane," Jake groaned. "No more UCLA talk. Okay."

"Damn. You still haven't heard back from then," Shane asked.

"No. And I don't think I ever will," Jake stated. "And how are you so cool about all of this? Did they accept you?"

Shane shoved his hand in the front pocket of his jeans and then sighed. "Nah."

Jake sighed.

"Cheer up." Shane quickly spoke. "Because we still have a month and twelve days. We're not out just yet."

"I guess," Jake shrugged, then got a hold of Seth's hand. "Catch you guys later."

"Okay," Shane spoke.

Once Jake and Seth turned the corner Kylie came up beside him. "When are you gonna tell him the truth babe," she said.

"I don't know," Shane sighed. "UCLA is our dream. I mean what if they don't accept him? Then what? Do I play against him during the whole season? No! Way!"

"Okay," Kylie's voice trailed off. "And what if he finds out? Huh. Then what?" She stated. "Not only will you not be able to play with him but you could lose him."

The two looked at each other then Kylie shrugged. "But it's your decision babe."

"You know you're not good at this supportive girlfriend advice," Shane stated then they both chuckled.

He put his arm around her shoulder and the two of them turned the corner, heading to their next class period.

After the fourth period bell rang everyone rushed out of class, going to their next period or some went to lunch.

"See you in thirty," Tony spoke once he and Faith got to her locker.

"Okay," Faith spoke.

The two kissed one another on the lips before Tony walked away to catch up with two other people on the football team. She couldn't help but smile a little as she opened her locker.

"Faith right," Stephanie spoke at her side.

Faith looked at her. "Yeah," she replied hesitantly. "I'm sorry have we-"

"Met before," Stephanie finished for her. "Heh. No. I'm Stephanie. Seth's friend."

"Oh. It's nice to finally put a name to a face," Faith spoke. "Jake told me about you."

"Right. Uh, speaking of Jake you're- his ex right."

Faith let out a nervous chuckle. "People are still calling me Jake's ex?"

"So you are her," Stephanie asked.


"But I heard you found someone new."

"I did actually," Faith smiled. "His name's Tony."

"And how is it dating Tony?"

"He's a really nice guy," Faith replied. "But he's-"

"Not Jake," Stephanie spoke.

Faith looked down at her feet and shrugged. "I don't understand," Faith spoke, looking back up at Stephanie. "Like I'm completely over Jake but I don't know. Seeing him and Seth together reminds me of all those six years he and I spent together."

"Have you ever thought about telling him that?" Stephanie asked.

"Why would I," Faith questioned with her eyebrow raised. "I'm the one who broke up with him. Asking him back would be silly. And besides." She paused once she saw Jake and Seth holding hands while they walked down the hallway. "Seth makes him a happier person."

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