❣ Hurted yourself [2/2]

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You ran after him before he could step on the staircase and immediately grabbed his arm tightly.

But he shook it off harshly and glared at you. Your wrist started bleeding.

Tae:- What the hell do you want now?? Didn't you just acted like i wasn't EXIST to you.

He said while coming closer to you and you started stepping back. You were very sad as tears continuously falling down from your eyes.

Tae:- I know it was my fault but i already said sorry didn't i huhh??

Your back hit against the wall.

Tae:- I said Sorry DIDN'T I?? ANSWER ME.

He punched the wall. You flinched. He's really mad at you.

Tae:- i said-

Finally you took a deep breathe and somehow managed to spoke.

Y/n:- i-i k-know it was my fault. I'm r-really sorry T-Taehyung.

You know it was not your fault but you said sorry because you just want to end this fight and also you didn't want to wake up your mother-in-law.

Y/n:- Taehyung please..I'm sorry.. please forgive me.

You said in a low tone like a whisper. He just started quite while breathing heavily. Anger was visible in his face.

You went closer to him and cupped his face with your shaking hands.

Y/n:- I'm r-really sorry Taehyung..i promise I would n-never do that. Taehyung please forgive me.

He was just quiet and didn't say anything. Your heart is arching. That silence make you nervous. You looked down with a heavy breathe and cried hard. He looked at you and sighed heavily.

He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and sat on the floor with you while hugging you tightly and patting your back. You looked at him with your red teary eyes.

Tae:- Did i scare you? Huh?

He asked in a soft tone while pulling you closer to his chest. You nodded slowly while wiping your tears away but they kept falling.

Tae:- it's okay.

You buried your face in
his chest and cried unconditionally.

Tae:- Y/n..my princess..stop crying. Look at me.

He cupped your face to made you look at him.

Tae:- Stop crying Y/n..I don't like it when you cry.

He kissed for forehead and put your head on his chest. And you closed your eyes while hugging him tightly. He ran his fingers through your hair. And leaned his back against the wall to make you more comfortable.

You both didn't say anything you could only hear his heart beat and the way he's caressing your hair made you sleepy.

The warmth of his embrace always comforts you. He took your hand and intertwined in his. And then he felt something wet. He got his hand away from your and looked at your hand.

Your hand covered with blood that's when he realized your wrist was bleeding, not too much.

Tae:- Y/n??

You didn't say anything cause you already drifted into sleep.

Tae:- Y/n..

He raised his voice a little and you hummed in response.

Tae:- Let's go back to our room okay..

You nodded. He thought you would get up but you continued your sleep in his arms. He looked down at you and smiled seeing you sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He slowly carried you in a bridal style and headed to his room. He made you lay down on his bed and you opened your eyes. He leaned closer and kissed your forehead saying.

Tae:- Go back to sleep.

He stood up and walked out of the room making you confuse. Then he came back with a first aid box in his hand. He sat beside you and started cleaning for wounds and you just kept on staring at him.

Y/n in mind:- Why do you treat me like this Taehyung?? One moment you are so caring then another moment you are hurting me.

He wrapped bandage around your wrist. And looked at your who was looking at him like there's no tomorrow.

You both made a eye contact but you quickly looked away. He sighed and stood up and laid down on the bed beside you.

Tae:- Are you mad at me?

He said looking straight in your eyes.

Y/n in mind:- Very mad.

You smiled and spoke.

Y/n:- No..I'm not

He moved closer and hugged you and kissed your forehead and closed his eyes. You smiled. And son he drifted into sleep.

[At 1:25 am]

Tae:- Stop Y/n.. Stop this nonsense now..i said sorry can't you understand.


You just can't sleep those scenes kept on flashing in front of your eyes.

You sighed and opened your eyes and looked at Taehyung who was sleeping peacefully.

His face looked so calm. You leaned closer and kissed his forehead. Couple of tears left your eyes.

Y/n:- How long i have to endure it Taehyung?? It's really scaring me. You really need to change. You need to control your anger Taehyung. Anger cannot solve anything but can destroy everything.


See y'all in the next chapter
Babayeee take care 😽


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