Ch. 1 The Nameless Soul and the Golden Radiance

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Volume 1 - Prologue: Hollow Soul, Supreme Vessel

The end comes unexpectedly early.

Yes, I am now facing death.

I don't remember clearly how I died.

I couldn't perceive it. It was too monotonous and sudden.

I don't possess any outstanding abilities or remarkable personality.

Perhaps I was deemed as an insignificant being, one among the countless "ordinary people."

Or maybe...

Has the soul, so unremarkable and ordinary, rusted away in a mundane life?

I feel a sense of detachment, as if it's someone else's concern.

Is "worthless" a word intended for oneself?

Ah, why do I feel regret?

I don't want to live? No, such attachments are already gone.

Having no family, I just lived adrift. There was no one to mourn my existence.

Why do I feel frustration?

I had no goals. There was nothing to aspire to, and I lived vaguely. Emptiness and nothingness filled my heart, and that's why.

Yes, let's close my eyes. It's fine, just like that.

Closing my eyes... because it will be the end.

In the moment of peaceful slumber, something pulses.

Simultaneously, a sensation akin to pain surges through my chest, swept by a cold wind.

Why does remorse fill me?

Remorse? It's contradictory, utterly contradictory.

I did nothing. With no accomplishments, how can I define remorse?

While enveloped in the tranquility of death, I ponder faintly remaining thoughts.

What is there to regret? I haven't achieved anything.

I did nothing. I had no hobbies or passions to pursue.

Soon, like a revelation or enlightenment, it comes to me.

Not being able to do anything. That's what causes remorse.

Living and unable to accumulate anything.

Leaving nothing behind, nothing that the world can proudly call a "trace"... I had nothing.

I will disappear.

As a mere entity, my existence will vanish.

This fact is unbearably frustrating.

Oh, what a situation.

After giving up my life, how foolish I was to establish my meaning.

I can't die.

I don't want to die yet.

It's an absurd notion. Only after giving up a single life do I become aware of my desires.

Yes. I still can't die.

I don't want to die, not like this.

This body has achieved nothing.

This soul has burned nothing.

A spark ignites in the smoldering core.

Yes, I can't die yet.

At the very least, before vanishing... at the very least...

I must accomplish something; otherwise, my life would have been in vain!

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