Ch. 11 Decision

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"Huh, I thought you would at least save yourselves from death, but both you and the Master are safe. I must praise you, Master. That Servant is undoubtedly a top-tier Heroic Spirit."

Giving his seal of approval, Caster smiles brightly.

It was truly impressive, and i thought so honestly.

Joining forces and overcoming difficulties. I had once given up on such things, thinking they were only found in stories and fairy tales.

Living in a world where such things had long lost their value, i had also witnessed friendship and effort being trampled by scheming and calculation.

Yet now, right in front of me, my beliefs were denied. There were undoubtedly things left behind, and they had undoubtedly achieved something.

――The result was truly heartwarming, and a smile unintentionally spread across my face.

"Go on, say something to your friends. They have finally taken their first step."

Without delay, i pushes her shoulders, and Olga Marie dashes toward them.

"Are you okay?! Ritsuka! Mash!"

"Of course! I'm here, alive and well! Thanks to Mash, you know."

"Yes... Thank you very much, Director... Thanks to your call and Senpai's help, I was able to activate my Noble Phantasm..."

"It's alright... You don't need to thank me for that... I'm just glad... that you're safe and sound!"

"They are spirited girls. If they were a bit older, I'd try to flirt with them."

"Oh? For a beast, you have a reasonable sense of justice. You're quite remarkable for a dog."

"Stop talking back to me. You're making me tense. Don't think you can scold me and watch from the sidelines. I don't want to hear that from someone acting all high and mighty."

"Then, let me scold you. She are my Master, calling me to her side to serve her. I won't tolerate half-hearted work. Well, she couldn't fully release my True Name, but it's not bad for a start."

"Start, huh? Are you someone who only accepts a perfect outcome or nothing at all?"

"It's too early to pass judgment. The one who just started wielding a brush deserves some leniency, don't you think?"

That's right, it doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to take things step by step.

Keep moving forward without stopping or slacking. Even in such a desperate situation, or perhaps because of it.

Things of true value shine.

――I need to tighten my resolve as well.

As long as I rely on this vessel, I can't remain all soft and fluffy with my fighting style.

While there might be another King of Heroes for me as a Servant, there's no guarantee that the soul residing within them will be the same.

Feeling a premonition that the next battle will be the turning point, I take a deep breath, reaffirming my determination.

"I guess having someone around the same age makes a difference. I envy that kind of relationship."

"Doctor, I haven't heard anything about you lately, you must have been doing something."

"I was working, okay! The First Order is finally coming to an end. I found out the cause of the Singularities!"

"Really? The cause? Well, I already know what it is."

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