Ch. 6 Reward

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It seems that the Shadow Servants running rampant in this burning Fuyuki are not limited to just that Archer.

The Holy Grail War, where Servants are made to fight against each other... Romani says that it's the orthodox form of a deadly battle that gathers seven heroic spirits.

If that's the case, then the remaining classes - Saber, Lancer, Caster, Rider, Assassin, and Berserker - might still be targeting us.

"Doctor, how is Mash doing?"

"She's fine. She avoided direct hits and managed to block them all. Neither you nor Director are injured."

She fulfilled her role as the shield, huh? Quite impressive for a young girl.

To protect what she wants to protect with her body alone, how difficult it must be. Fujimaru has wonderful Servants by her side.


In return for her contribution, I must achieve results of my own.

"What's wrong, Your Highness?"

"I'll leave protecting Fujimaru to you. I still have some work to do."

"Work? Aren't you supposed to be the King?"

"Fool, right now, I'm a Servant. My job is clearly to eliminate any obstacles to my Master."

"Huh!? You don't mean you're going alone!?"


"Come on, don't give me that 'Of course, why wouldn't I?' look! We don't know what threats still remain! If you happen to disappear, our combat strength will take a massive hit!"

What he says is reasonable. This is an unknown magical land, a singularity in flames. We have no idea what traps await us.

"Fool. Do you think I'd let a roadside stone take my life? Should I sit here and wait for threats to come, or should I eliminate the threats myself and quickly prepare our defenses? Which is the wiser strategy?"


"Besides, losing humanity's last Master or losing a single Servant. It doesn't take much thought to know which one would be a greater loss in our journey from here on."

"That's true, I suppose. But..."

Romani hesitates in his reply. He really is too kind... no, he's a gentle person.

"Don't worry. I have the skill for solo actions. I won't do anything that would burden my Master. It's the King's word. Believe in it."

"King's word, huh... Fine, I get it. If I were to push too much and upset your mood, it'd be the end of me. Can you take care of eliminating the remaining Shadow Servants then?"

"Of course. It's not bad to taste the feeling of sweating and toiling once in a while."

From now on, I cannot afford to lose. I must gain experience and become capable of protecting my Master.

"Hmm... there should be a reward for meritorious service."

Muttering to myself, I call out to Mash, who is resting before our departure.


"Ah, King of Heroes! I'm sorry for my lack of focus..."

"The enemy isn't even here, so there's no need to be on guard. You're quite serious, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes... I'm sorry."

It seems she is quite timid. Even if I were to boast about how I protected my Master like a true gold hero, it wouldn't be rewarded, right?

"In the previous battle, you protected the Master well. It's an accomplishment, so accept the praise."

"Huh? Oh, no, that's not necessary! To be praised by the King of Heroes... It's too much for me to handle."

"Modesty is a virtue of an island nation, huh? Indeed, there's nothing more bothersome than strong women. Goddesses are the worst, indeed."

...Was that Gilgamesh's true feeling? When he heard the word "goddesses," I felt a surge of killing intent rising in him.

"But your achievements are undeniable. As a king, one must reward rightful efforts."

Yes, a girl of this age shouldn't be standing on the battlefield. She should be leading a different life... at least enjoying good food.

Reaching out with golden ripples, I pick up a palm-sized object and hand it to Mash.

"Have some candy. It's sweet if you lick it."

"Oh, candy... thank you."

"Share it with the Master and that diligent girl. I'm going for a run now."

"Run...!? Then, I'll go with the Master!"

"Fool. What can you do after being manipulated by just one Shadow Servant?"


"It's not the time to sacrifice your life. Your moment to shine will come. Keep your determination and spirit for that time."


Mash hangs her shoulders, looking downcast.

For now, this is enough. She needs time to think, to reflect on herself.

Puberty is like that. Even in this abnormal situation, I hope she won't forget that ordinary way of living.

"Well then, I'm off. Wait eagerly for the return of the King."

"Uh, King of Heroes!"


As I'm about to depart, Mash stops me.



"Ah... Thank you very much for this candy. I'll savor it!"

"You're exaggerating, fool."

With a small smile, Gilgamesh departs without hiding anything.

"...Thank you very much, King of Heroes."

Even though his words were sharp, his concern was evident in his words and actions, and Mash's heart was filled with warmth.

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