Ch. 35 Determination

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The moment the cross is raised, explosions assail from the space.


Reacting faster than thinking, she jumps back, and magical energy erupts almost instantly at her previous location.


Each time she raises the cross, explosions and bursts of magical energy swirl around her.

"What's wrong!? Just running away won't open up a way out!"

Martha scolds Jeanne, who keeps avoiding the explosions with somersaults, backflips, and somersaults.

(Using that staff to pass through and create a miracle that exceeds the process... Truly the technique of a holy person...!)

Utilizing her own skill "Revelation" to the fullest, Jeanne continues to avoid perfectly with optimal body movements.

If she lets her guard down, she will be burned by miracles.

As Martha said, there is no escape in running away.



The cross's staff shines even brighter, and a violent miracle descends.


Rolling up the flag like a spear, she soars into the air.

She accelerates in midair, riding the shockwaves.


Twisting her body, she strikes with all her might――!!


They clash, blocking each other's attacks with their staffs.

"You dare to charge in! I didn't train with the flag for nothing, you know!"

"I am a woman who knows nothing but waving a flag――Dealing with rough situations is an everyday occurrence for me!"

"Not bad――Likewise, it's true for me too."

The flags push against each other.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Jeanne falls to one knee due to Martha's immense strength.

(This power... could it be the power of Madness Enhancement!?)

"Take this!"

She kicks, creating distance.

"Come on, keep coming at me!"

"No need to tell me――!"



Heracles rages furiously. Swinging his stone axe, he unleashes overwhelming strikes against Tarasque like a storm.

With each blow hammered into the sturdy armor-like shell, Tarasque's expression contorts.



The giant scorpion-like tail swings wildly to create distance.



Mash intervenes to block Heracles' trajectory with her shield.

"I'll cover you! Heracles, focus on the attack――!"


Releasing the stone axe, he grabs the tail with both arms.


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