Ch. 18 Interlude - A Pleasant Learning

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"Doctor, you've prepared the requested books, right?"

On a certain day, I go to receive what I had requested from Romani.

It's the material about Gilgamesh that I had asked for during our time in Fuyuki, compiled for me.

"I've got it all ready. Gilgamesh's epic, 'The Epic of Gilgamesh.' It was properly preserved in the library."

"Well done, Doctor. Your name isn't just for show."

"Will you give me some candy?"

"No, I'm thinking of trading it for a real-life Magi☆Mari bromide."

"I don't need that! Please stop hiding deadly blades as rewards!"

"Hahaha, it's fine to be into subcultures, but if you're too open about it, you'll become an easy target. Be aware of how the world perceives you."

"Leave me alone! I don't need advice from someone who throws around jokes so casually!"

"I am concerned about how people perceive me, you know? If I see them unforgivingly, it might lead to judgment."

"Dropping instant death flags inconveniences the general public, you know!?"

"Hahaha. Alright then, I'll show my gratitude."

I leave the room. I'm carrying the books, and my steps are light.

Somehow, I feel comfortable around Romani. He also seems to have no reservations in a good sense. It's almost like we're colleagues working in the same office. He's easygoing, or rather...

Indeed, Romani is kind. It's hard to imagine anyone feeling animosity towards him with his gentle and easygoing demeanor.

However, somewhere, there's a part of me that says, "I don't know why, but I don't like this guy."

What's wrong with him? I still don't know.

Well, I'll probably talk to Romani about it at some point. It would be impolite to deny his hard work at Chaldea after seeing him struggle once we return.

But, the main subject is this. The vessel - King of Heroes Gilgamesh. The heroic tale that chronicles his exploits.

It's called the "Epic of Gilgamesh." It's highly regarded as the oldest heroic tale in the world and the origin of all heroic tales.

Is the King of Heroes himself also the origin? How much does he cling to his origins? I am in awe of his declaration that everything belongs to him.

...It's not an exaggeration. It's a "fact."

However, I don't know much about the King of Heroes residing in that vessel. I only know about his extraordinary abilities as a Servant and some of his tactics (I didn't expect him to throw away his wealth, though).

...Ignorance is not a crime. But being content with ignorance is.

Following the guidance of that vessel, I have decided to learn about this hero in my own way.

In a sense, I am inextricably linked with the King of Heroes. It would be too sneaky of me to tarnish his combat record due to my mistake.

Of course, it's almost unthinkable for this King of Heroes to lose... Rather, what can I do to not fall behind?

Also, it's a lie to pretend to have deep respect for him while not knowing a single episode about him. Respect must be accompanied by understanding.

And, I simply want to know. I want to know what kind of life this hero, free from monotony, has led.

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