Ch. 28 Definition

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Upon arriving at La Charité, i park the bike at the entrance.

"I will wait here. Gather as much useful information as possible. Use your legs to earn it. Understood?"


"I will wait here too... um, my current state might cause confusion."

"Got it! Wait for me!"

"Leave Master's protection to me, King of Heroes."

"Yes, then go. Call for me if anything happens."

Master takes Mash's hand and heads towards the town.

It feels heartwarming, like sisters... that's how they felt.

"Fuh, even in a battle for human survival, one must not forget pleasure. Smiles are important."

I relax and look up at the sky.

The vast sky, white clouds. A boundless blue that seems to stretch on forever.


I smell of soil. The sensation of stepping on it. The feeling of strength.


The world spreading out endlessly. I tread on it and gaze at the scenery.

Leaning on the bike, i squint my eyes.

"It may be a familiar sight, but it has a slightly different appearance."

――Feeling the world with my whole body is comforting.

The wind brushing through my hair, the scent of straw, the bustle of the town.

The cries of animals, the chirping of birds, the murmur of rivers, the rustling of the forest.

――All of that accumulates as an invaluable experience within my soul.

I reach out and quietly savor what seems within my grasp.

――Among my reincarnations, the first scenery i saw was a burned town. It was the beginning of a journey where nothing was familiar.

If i could see such a view... i might not mind reincarnation.

"You're a traveler too, aren't you?"

Without turning, i listen to Jeanne's words next to me.

"You are the King of Heroes. Yet, your way of being somehow feels innocent."

"I am innocent... I guess that's true."

I lean further back and take out a bottle of wine from my treasures.

"I never thought I'd be babysitting... Haha, they are quite troublesome creatures."


"Yes. I am an observer of humanity."

I take a sip from the wine.

Its taste is bitter and sweet, shaking my soul with a rich, mellow fragrance.

"It is my duty to protect this planet. That's why I observe and had no intention of intervening, but..."

"Do you want some?," i ask Jeanne, who politely declines.

"My form of protection is not peaceful. It's like a storm that blows humans away and reprimands them. Humans are creatures who won't show their worth without trials, lazy and unmoving until they are spurred on."

"It's exasperating. Even after 4,600 years, humanity remains utterly lazy and fails to demonstrate its worth. - The time of judgment has not yet come."

I swirl the glass and look up at the sky.

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