Ch. 8 Impact

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"Hey, long time no see, golden boy."

The memories of this vessel are brought forth.

The true name of the Heroic Spirit before me is 'Cu Chulainn.'

The Child of Light from Ireland. The great hero of Celtic mythology who wielded Gae Bolg and established various legends.

――In a Holy Grail War from another dimension, not here, this hero clashed with this vessel or, rather, the main Heroic Spirit in this throne, as recorded.

A Servant is a fragment of the Heroic Spirit's soul present in the throne of heroes, summoned as one aspect according to their class. In other words, they are the shadows of Heroic Spirits.

Even if they have finished their role in another dimension and are summoned in yet another dimension, they are either 'someone almost identical to the same person' or 'someone almost the same as a different person.'

The experiences accumulated during summoning are returned to the throne as 'records,' and they are reviewed upon being summoned anew. It feels like reading a novel or watching a movie where you are the protagonist. While there is a sense of familiarity, you are never the actual person involved.

Thus, it is not strange to recognize each other's faces, but it is impossible for us to continue the battle of killing each other here and now.


However, why is this happening? Just looking at the Celtic hero before me, my whole body trembles, and uncontrollable emotions well up.

Why is this...? Without even waiting for an answer, I can't hold back and blurt it out.

"Fuhahaha!! What's with that appearance! What a joke, mongrel! What happened to your proud spear? How can you try to pretend with that wooden cane!?"

"Ah, well, you know. It's just that my Class is Caster this time."

"Wait, hold it, my stomach hurts! Your hidden talent is quite something! I should have taught you some tricks back then! I knew you were skilled, but I never thought it would be this much! Hahaha!!"

Laughing heartily, i can't stop himself and keeps hitting my knee.

"Tch, you're still the same arrogant bastard. Be prepared. Someday, you'll be summoned in a ridiculous appearance for a ridiculous class."

"You mongrel! I'd never stoop to mimicking a magus! Unless there's a crisis in Uruk, where I have to unite the people, I won't do such a thing! Hahahaha!!"

— King of Heroes Gilgamesh seems to be quite the laughing enthusiast. It seems he won't calm down until the limelight is on him.

"Well, you've calmed down a bit. As usual, you're a dog."

"You've got a nerve. Are you telling me that you're not a whimsical person? Kicking around Servants like bugs. How bored are you?"

"Bored? Well, I suppose that's how it appears to you."


"――Never mind, forget it."

"Okay. But, I never expected you to learn how to be economical. I've reassessed you slightly."


"Yeah? That's your specialty, isn't it? You always throw your Noble Phantasms around recklessly. That's why you're an Archer, right?"




"That's why you're an Archer――――!!?"

This is the most shocking revelation I've ever heard.

Is that what it means to be an Archer? Is that what it means to be one? Is it enough to shoot a bow from a treasury, or rather, once you do so, you become an Archer? Is that how it works? What is an Archer? What is... What is an Archer...

"Why are you so surprised all of a sudden? Crossing your arms and shooting off Noble Phantasms is your golden pattern."

"Is that so...? Is that what I've been doing...?"

"Did you hit your head or something? Was there a flaw in the summoning? How did you survive? Your Master, I mean."

My shoulders droop, and i fell crestfallen. What was I, who accurately selected tools and fought, doing?

Is the King of Heroes, his way of fighting, unrefined... I never knew...

"...I appreciate it, mongrel."

"Huh?... Huh?"

"Thanks to you, I remembered something. Emulating the wise is not in vain. Well done."

"――――Wait, who the hell are you? Seriously, are you really Gilgamesh? Giving thanks and stuff..."

Now it's Caster's turn to be flabbergasted. He is at a loss for words due to the utterly unexpected response.

I'm wondering if it's possible for the King of Heroes to give thanks to someone... That's what his expression is saying.

"Yes, I am indeed the King of Heroes. There's no way I could tolerate a forgery."

――But if asked whether i'm is the true King of Heroes or not, it's a delicate matter... Still, after being reincarnated, i'm is undoubtedly the King of Heroes. That's how i'm defines myself.

"――Alright. I'll acknowledge your profound knowledge and join your alliance. I am grateful for your assistance."

"You haven't heard the details yet... Well, fine. I'll tell your Master about it."

"Very well, I permit it. Hah, you'll be surprised. What an unexpected find!"

Whether the vessel is in a good mood or not, I'm starting to feel quite cheerful as well.

I gives a nonchalant shrug, and Caster lets out a small laugh.

...I wonder if everyone has had a chance to rest a little. With those thoughts in mind, I set out to reunite with everyone.

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