Ch. 16 Tranquility

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As soon as I sit up, a communication comes through.

"Are you awake, Your Majesty?" Romani Archaman asks with a smile.

"Not exactly a restful sleep... The sleeping accommodations here are far from what a king would expect," I reply, slowly getting up.

"Haha, that's true. Unfortunately, Chaldea doesn't have VIP rooms," Romani says.

"It's not about being treated specially. Considering that we are the ones facing the task of saving the world, enduring the fatigue in such humble lodgings is no small feat."

Indeed, the staff in Chaldea could be considered the last hope of humanity. If even one person were to collapse, it could significantly hinder Chaldea's efficiency. I don't expect luxury, but I would like the living conditions to meet certain standards. After all, employees who have accumulated know-how are invaluable assets, especially for important tasks.

"These accommodations are worse than the makeshift huts in Uruk... Even sheep would sleep better," I grumble.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. It seems Chaldea was tight on funds, and besides, expecting mages to show consideration for others might be too much," Romani explains.

"Can i go back to Uruk? I miss the ziggurat," I ask.

Uruk... Is it really that great? If this vessel speaks so highly of it, I might want to visit someday. Where was it again? Somewhere in Iraq?

"Wait! I understand. I'll let Marie know, and we'll try to make some improvements!" Romani promises.

"I wish Siduri would fan me. No, am I being urged to work?... Sigh, but complaining won't do any good, indeed."

Ignoring my muttered words, I ask about Marie.

"How is Marie doing? I hope she's not disappearing or anything."

"Oh, she's doing fine, actually, more than fine... Oh, I hope it's not inappropriate to say that," Romani replies.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if she's okay with it, then I guess it's fine. Anyway, Marie is currently going to wake up Ritsuka."

If that's the case, there's no time to waste.

"We're going to have a briefing, so can you bring everyone with you? It's an important briefing that will determine our course of action. I want everyone to be present."

"Everyone?... That includes Mash and Ritsuka, right? They should be here."

"What are you saying? You're a part of this too," Romani reminds me.


"I know your stance, but as a Servant, you are a participant. Why not try to bridge the gap a little?"

A participant... I see. I realize now that I'm no longer just a passive observer.

"Fine, I'll act accordingly. As they say, when in Rome," I agree.

"Haha, it's new for you, behaving like an obedient king," Romani chuckles, "Enough of that. Well then, shall we depart, Your Majesty?"


Knock, knock, I knock on the door to the Master's room.

"The Hero among heroes, King Gilgamesh has come to visit. Prepare to entertain me."

"Wow, so arrogant! Please come in!"

The automatic door opens, and there are four women gathered around the dining table.

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