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Madison Blake

Tonight was going to be great. I've already been tipsy for a few hours, I don't know how I haven't collapsed. By the end of the game, the girls and I split up. I went to the toilet and Sasha went to say goodbye to her parents.

The bathrooms seemed far away from the stands, but they were right next to the locker room. After the bathroom, I stared at the huge crowd of families smiling, laughing and hugging.

I was surrounded by happiness and it made me sad.

They all looked so happy. This is where my dad once stood after a game.

My Dad was a quarterback for Boston University in 1994 and after his sophomore year, he got third pick in the NFL team. My Dad met the love of his life on the field, he said. Her name was Catherine, she wasn't my mother.

My Dad cheated on Catherine with my Mom. My Mom at the time was a stripper and she trapped him with a baby. My Dad never let me live that down.

When Catherine found out, she left my Dad and turned my dad to drugs. Granted, he did it to. himself, but he was still a mess. The drug addiction took over and he wasn't able to be a parent to me or play football anymore.

My Mom had full custody of me, but that wasn't any better. Different guys every night and she would take money from them. I was the only pregnancy she ever had.

She died when I was seven. Some one night stand drugged her and I found her.

After that, I moved in with my grandparents. I grew up with life lessons of old people. Throughout school, I was known for my last name because of my Dad.

I was so deep in thought I didn't have time to block myself with the steel door that swung open and hit my body.

Just my luck.


I looked up and saw the one and only quarterback. I can't believe he just hit me with the door. But at the same time, this was my first time being close up to him.

"That's tough" he said. Wow? Really? Chris Sturniolo was living up to the douchebag lifestyle. Usually, a nice guy would say "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to swing a door at you"

He put his hand out towards me to help me up. But no, all I got was 'that's tough'

"Maybe you should watch where you're opening doors" I suggested, with my arms crossed.

"Maybe you shouldn't walk in front of a door that's being opened" he said and I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to give him another piece of my mind, but I was interrupted by Olivia's voice.

"Blake! Get over here!"

So I just walked away from him without looking back.

"There you are, the lines must have been so long-" Olivia started but Kelly cut her off.

"Never mind that, why were you talking to Chris Sturniolo?"

I laughed. "That douche hit me with the door and didn't apologise. Where's Sasha?"

"She was with me" A voice said. I turned around and saw Josh and Sasha.

"Great game!" We all said.

"Guys, I'm here too. You can stop dreaming about my brother. What did I miss?" Sasha asked.

"Our Quarterback nearly took Madison out with the locker room door" Kelly said with a smug look on her face. "And yes. It was an ass breaking fall"

Josh burst out laughing. "Nice one, Blake. Proud of you for running into your problems"

"Shut up, can we all just go party?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, the party is at the Freshman house. Don't dress like sluts, I can only fight off one guy at a time"

"Says you, Josh. You're the biggest slut of them all" Sasha said back to him.

"See you later, Josh!" He nodded and walked in the other direction.

"Sasha, can we please take cars to the next game? I don't think these boots were made to walk around campus and to climb bleachers" Olivia said

"Have to miss 'I'm not drinking this semester because I need to be a good student' Sasha said, referring to me.

"Hey! I have a lot riding on this year. Nothing is and can get in the way of that" I said back and they all groaned.

"Same old talk, Madison. When will you learn you don't have to study and you'll ace a test? You're smart, don't burn yourself out because you feel like you need to prove yourself"

"Thanks, Kelly. I love you guys. Group hug?"

"Uh, can we go to the apartment first? These bushes are about to be decorated with that pizza I ate this morning" Sasha groaned.

Oh shit.

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