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Madison Black

It was six in the morning and my day was already ruined.

First, it was Monday.

Second, I received a phone call at five past six on the dot. I was in a deep sleep, so I woke up and without thinking, accepted the call.


A throat clearing on the other end made my eyes open. "Is this Madison?"

I looked at the caller and it was a private number?

"Depends who asking?" I asked, wide awake at the point.

"This is her Dad. If you see her, can you let her know I'm trying to get in contact with her? I'm at a drug rehabilitation clinic. I'd love to talk to her"

Why was he trying to contact me at 6am? Was he going to apologise to for not calling on my Mom's anniversary. Was he calling to make sure I was safe?

"This is Madison" I said, staring at the wall.

He took a deep breath. "Hey, honey..." it was laughable. 'Hey, honey' who says that to the kid they abandoned?

"Yeah?" What the hell was I supposed to say? I taught myself to control my feelings when it came to my Mom's death, but when it came to my Dad, I was numb.

As a little girl who just wanted their daddy after seeing her Mom in that state, he had the perfect opportunity to be 'father of the year' . But he'd rather get drunk trying to mask the pain of losing Catherine.

"How's life? How's your grandparents? They told me you're at Boston University, that's great"

"Yeah, Boston university"

"Do you go to the football games? Are you in a sorority?"

"I go to the games and I'm not in a sorority" I said, hoping to sound as boring as possible so he'd get the hint I don't want to talk to him.

"The team this year is great. The quarterback reminds me of myself. His stance and everything" he said and my eyes narrowed.

"He's nothing like you" Chris, even though I can't stand him, was nothing like my Dad

He did have some kind of mental resemblance to my Dad. The idea of the world revolving around him. The idea that everyone else was in the wrong.

I would rather my Dad not know about Chris, as Chris not know about my Dad.

He cleared his throat. "Okay, well I just called to say I'm sorry about your Mom. I also called to ask if I could borrow some money, I need to pay some people back.."

"You know what, I'm not the same little girl who would've done anything for five minutes of her fathers attention. I don't care. You didn't leave me any money, okay? You spent it, all of it. I don't have money from you. Thanks for calling" I ranted and went to hang up before he could speak.

"You have money, Madison-"

"You don't know what I have. By the way, Mom's anniversary was five days ago" I finished and hung up.

I sighed and threw my phone across the room. The nerve of that man, calling for the first time in a year, making fake conversation to ask for money.

I threw my blanket off me and walked out of my room. As I walked out of my room, someone was coming into the apartment.

I cleared my throat and Olivia jumped.

"Where have you been?" I asked her, raising my eyebrow.

"You know, around" she said quietly as I laughed and sat on the couch.

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