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It was like the world stopped after Chris dropped me off from his place. It felt like we both came to terms with the fact that hating each other wasn't ideal for us.

We'd rather be somewhat together than apart.

We weren't dating, but we weren't putting a label on.

And the bond we had was unstoppable. Since our moment the other morning, we've been together ever since. The only time we were talking or hanging out was when he was on the field and I learned, that was a lot of the time.

Today, the girls and I were packed into a fancy car that would probably pay off my student loans if we cashed it in. It was game day and we were thirty minutes from Pittsburgh.

"For the love of God, Sasha, please put your foot on the pedal! My underwear is up my ass!" Olivia whined as Kelly and I laughed. For the last two hours, Sasha was driving and Olivia was in the passenger seat. Kelly and I were in the backseat.

"Just pull it out!" Sasha snapped back at her. Sasha was driving slow, and I didn't blame her because I would be too if I was driving this fancy car.

I checked my phone for the time and it was 7:30 in the morning. The game started at noon. Getting everyone packed and out of the apartment was insane. We had to turn around twice because one of the girls forgot something. I slept for the first half hour and now I was wide awake.

And so was Chris.

Chris left yesterday at noon on his ride to Pittsburgh. But he didn't go without saying goodbye. We went to Starbucks for coffee- well I had a coffee. Chris didn't drink coffee because he's all 'healthy'

I learned a lot about him. Like his favourite pasta , ice cream and McDonald's was his guilty pleasure. I also learned that he met Nate in second grade.

But since he left, he's been texting me and snap chatting me.

"I'm not even going to ask why you're smiling at your phone like a weirdo, Blake" Kelly said as I looked up from my phone.

I laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about"

Chris sent me a good morning text.

"I think we all know why she's smiling at her phone" Sasha laughed and Olivia clapped.

"So what's happening now with you and Chris?" Olivia asked, turning to face us in the backseat.

I shrugged. "We're friends and I'm okay with that. It makes more sense"

Kelly laughed. "So what? You're friends that like each other? That's almost as bad as Olivia and Harry, no offence"

"It's not. I'm in the same situation as Olivia because I want to be a nurse, not a tagalong trophy wife" Olivia nodded her head.

"Even though we are trophy wife material"

"No, Olivia! You're trophy wife material. I would say I'm best friend material, you know? The one that sits in the back and observes the girls he dated and then comes to me for advice" I said and her mouth dropped open.

"You tamed Chris Sturniolo and you're saying you aren't wife material? You're crazy if you let him slip away and don't friend zone him, Madison. You love blaming that on your virgin card"

She pointed at me and I laughed. "I'm not pulling any cards! I'm just saying, you and Harry are endgame. Chris and I's relationship depends on the wind blowing that day"

"You said relationship" Sasha said and Olivia laughed, giving her a high five.

"I meant friendship" I made my point clear as Olivia shrugged.

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