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London has always been one of Lou's favourite cities in the entire world - if not the number one on that list. No matter how much she travelled, she always found herself going back to the British capital city so much so that she decided to leave the southwest of France where she was living to move there.

Lou started her content creation career when she was still in university studying law. Supported by her friends who told her to pursue her dream, she started her blog in 2015 and her YouTube channel in 2016 and success kicked in pretty quickly. She became one of the fastest-growing fashion and lifestyle influencers in France eventually reaching the top spot in 2020.

But the French girl had always been a hyperactive person who grew bored of things very quickly. So being stuck in only one category of content, one group of influencers or one genre was something she dreaded. So she pretty quickly developed her brand around different platforms and content to bring diversity into her activity.

Between her more traditional vlogs and lifestyle content on Youtube, she was streaming on Twitch, writing articles for her blog and had also a few novels out - not related to content creation -, a brand and was working on many new projects. She wasn't stuck into one category of content, and that's what she loved the most. Her followers knew her as someone who loved diversity in creation, and that no matter what, she would always do what she wanted even if a part of her following wasn't interested. 

It was the same for the collabs she would do. She wasn't afraid to say yes to people if the idea was interesting. An 'imposter challenge' for the biggest Youtuber in France ? A podcast on Twitch ? A sports challenge ? She was down for it !

To many people, she was a workaholic who would end up burned out. To her closest friends, she was an inspiration of dedication and hard work. She knew exactly when to spot things and could easily spot the signs of tiredness, whether physical or mental. Or at least she thought. 

Thankfully, moving to England wasn't a significant change just in terms of distance to Paris, where she was working a lot. The Eurostar allowed her to reach Paris in 2 and a half hours maximum - which was about the same travel time from Bordeaux, where she used to live.

Lou's decision to move to London was not just about her career, though. It was also about her desperate need for a change of scenery and the energy and vibrancy of the city resonated with her on a deep personal level. She knew that London was where she wanted to be, not just for work but for her overall lifestyle.

The city's energy seemed to infuse every aspect of her life, from her content creation to her overall well-being. Lou's followers noticed a new spark in her videos and posts as she explored the streets of London, sharing her favourite hidden spots, cafes, and fashion boutiques. She could more easily film outside without being stopped every few seconds by followers and felt more free in the possibilities of content.

The French girl found new inspirations everywhere. Her video about the blank-page syndrome when trying to write a novel was only a mere memory now. London was definitely what she needed in her life at that time.

But moving to another country knowing no one wasn't the easiest thing to do. Sure, exploring the city and visiting as many museums as possible was something very nice, but the lack of social life took a toll on her mental health.

Lou was alone here. She missed the familiar faces and the spontaneous hangouts with her friends back in Bordeaux. The brunette knew that building a new social circle would take time and effort, but that didn't make the loneliness any easier to bear.

The French girl had never really been a massively extroverted person, even though her online persona often portrayed her as a confident and self-assured person. She was easily overwhelmed, even with her closest friends who knew that when she left to go on the balcony of their different apartments in Bordeaux, it meant she needed some time alone to regain some social battery.

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