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Lou wasn't known for taking a lot of holidays outside of her work trip. And while many of her followers thought those trips were just for pleasure, she never got any free time when it was work-related. And coming back from the Paris Fashion Week, Lou desperately needed a break.

For the summer break, she decided not to go to any heavenly destination and decided to go back to France to spend some time on her home island of Belle-Île-en-Mer in Brittany, and then in Bordeaux to see her best friends.

Belle-Île-en-Mer was her home, where she grew up and where almost all her family still was. It has been a tradition for the Lenormand kids who left the house to come back the first week of July to spend some time all together.

Out of the seven kids, only three left the house: Lou and her twin brother Sam, and the third child, Brieux. The other four were still in school on the island or, for Evan on the mainland since Belle-Île doesn't have any high school, but he would come back every weekend.

The family house was in the countryside outside of Le Palais, the biggest city. Lou knew she had been lucky since her parents were able to afford a house big enough so every child had their own room and a nice garden.

The age difference between the children was quite big. While Lou and Sam were born in 1996, Brieux was born in 2000, Evan in 2005, Malo in 2009, Nolan in 2011 and finally Enora in 2014. 

Since 18 years separated the only two girls, they weren't extremely close since the youngest was born the year Lou left the house to go to uni. Enora was closer to Nolan while Lou was closer to her twin brother. But it didn't bother either of them, especially since Enora knew she could always talk to her big sister if she needed any 'girl' advice. 


"So how's London treating you ? Have you made some friends ?" asked Armelle, Lou's mother.

The mother tried her best to keep up with her daughter's career, but it was complicated since she was working a full-time job, had to take care of the children that were still at home and the number of things her daughter did.

Armelle was very proud of her daughter. Lou had grown her career by herself and became a role model for younger people. She was almost like a big sister to some of them since she had a series on YouTube in which she talked about her experiences to help people not make the same mistakes as she did.

Yet, she had remained the same person she was. She was still this smart, funny and caring girl who would do anything for her family even if she was on the other side of the world. She never let her ego grow, no matter how popular she got.

"It's been good, made some friends so I'm not all alone" the daughter answered with a smile. "They are really also content creators but in pretty different fields so it's nice"

"Well I'm really happy for you" smiled the mother. "Anyone you're seeing ?" she wondered after a few seconds.

"I don't have time for that Mom" the YouTuber rolled her eyes. Lou hated to lie to her mother, but she also didn't want her to get high expectations if she ever talked about Arthur and nothing serious happened between the two.

"You don't want yourself a 'London Boy' ?" her twin brother wondered as he entered the kitchen, singing the Taylor Swift song. Lou rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm under the disapproval glance of their mother.

"Look ma chérie, it will come when it'll come" her mother smiled before going back to making breakfast.

Breakfast had always been the most important moment of the day in the Lenormand household. It was almost the only time of the day that the entire family would get together since most of them would eat at different times of the day considering their schedules.

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