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"I just don't understand how he could do that !" said Enzo entering his living room, with a beer in hand for his best friend.

"I do." Lou simply replied before explaining, "Come on Enzo, it's a stressful situation. Out of nowhere, his new relationship - and his first 'real' one - went public without his consent when we agreed to take things slow ! Of course, he's freaking out !" the French girl said.

"Come on Loulou, stop trying to find him some excuses ! You have been crying nonstop for a week, yet you still defend him !" Enzo was getting mad at the brunette woman.

"Because no matter how much it hurts I still understand him Enzo !" The YouTuber stood up from the couch. "I'm not mad at him because I understand where all of this is coming from ! And the fact that you are mad at him is utter bullshit !".

"Can you two please calm down ? We were supposed to have a nice evening all together"  Jeanelle tried her best to bring down the bad mood rising in the living room, saying out loud what everyone around them thought.

After the break up in Jersey, Lou took the first boat to Grandville in Normandy from Jersey and rented a car to drive back to Bordeaux, hoping her friends would cheer her up. And while most of them were supportive and understood the fact she wasn't mad at Arthur, Enzo couldn't stand it.

The French girl hasn't really talked to anyone back in London. Truthfully, she did it on purpose. George and Chris were first Arthur's mate before being her own, and she didn't want them to feel pressured into having to pick a side, even if Lou would never force him to do that. And to be honest, she knew whose side they'd take...

Ask any of her friends and they would say that Lou was one of the most understanding people ever. She never really held grudges against the people she could understand the motive, for the best or the worst. She disliked people - she knew she couldn't like anyone and couldn't be liked by everyone - but she couldn't allow hatred, even to the people who wronged her. Enzo called it naivety, she called it kindness. 

Enzo clenched his fists, taking a deep breath to try and control his anger. Jeanelle's words had a calming effect, but the tension in the room was still palpable.

"I'm sorry, I just... It's just frustrating to see you hurt like this, Lou," he said, his tone softer but still tinged with frustration.

Lou sighed as she walked over to Enzo, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you care about me, Enzo. And I appreciate that. But you need to understand that relationships are complicated. We all make mistakes, and I am not an exception."

Enzo looked down at the floor, his anger subsiding as he considered Lou's words. "I get it, Loulou. I do. But you didn't make a mistake here ! It's those fucking bastards who took pictures of you two and posted it on Twitter without your consent ! For fuck's sake ! Arthur should be by your side to reassure you as well ! He's not the only one who got hurt !"

She gave him a reassuring smile, her voice filled with empathy. "I know, Enzo. And I'm not saying you have to forgive him or even like him right now. But please, try to see things from his perspective. All of this was already so new to him. He panicked." Her friend sat down in the seat in front of her spot on the couch. "Think about it, he's always been a bit reserved and struggles with social cues and dealing with his own emotions. And suddenly, our relationship was thrust into the spotlight without his control. It must have felt like his world was spinning out of control."

Her best friend leaned back on his seat, staring at the ceiling as he absorbed Lou's words. "I just saw him hurting you and got angry. I'm sorry"

The brunette nodded. "I know you're protective of me, and I'm grateful for that. But remember, I care about him too. Despite everything, I still want him to be okay. And maybe, in time, we can all find a way to move forward."

Valentin chimed in, "Well, whatever happens, let's not let this ruin our evening. Lou, you drove all the way from Normandy to be with us. We're not going to waste it with negative energy."


Looking at the ceiling of Enzo's guest room, Lou's mind was stuck on the same subject it had been obsessing over for the last week and a half : this brown-haired guy that her heart decided to like. She wanted to know how he was doing, how he was handling things, if he was doing better or if he wasn't alone.

God, she just wanted to hear his voice. She wanted to hear him laugh at one of her jokes or how he would try to suppress a smile when answering her but his voice would always tell her he was smiling brightly.

The French girl wanted to be by his side while he went through all of this. She just hoped George or Chris were with him, whether he was still in Jersey or back in London. She hoped he was not alone going through all of this. 

She couldn't bear the thought of him being all alone.

Bordeaux, France

louleloup When @enzoo_ decides you need a dog

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louleloup When @enzoo_ decides you need a dog... meet Vienna, my daughter


georgeclarkeey I need you to come back to London immediately so I can meet her
louleloup hopefully I'll be back soon so you can meet her 

user1 oh my god she really named her first dog Vienna as she said in one of her old videos
user2 Yes ! Pretty sure if she had a boy he would have been named Austin

user1 oh my god she really named her first dog Vienna as she said in one of her old videos↳ user2 Yes ! Pretty sure if she had a boy he would have been named Austin

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