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As the biggest fashion and lifestyle influencer in France, the Paris Fashion Week was the event of the year to not miss for Lou. She had been invited to attend almost every show for the week and a good number of parties. The French woman was already worried just from looking at the schedule. 


Hey Lou, I was wondering if
you were maybe free
anytime this week so we
could maybe go out again?

Hey Arthur, I'm so sorry I am
not, I'm spending the week
in Paris for the fashion
week... Now I really wish I
was in London :(

It's alright Lou no worries! I
guess that's what comes
with being a big lifestyle

Couldn't be me though! Just
way too many people

I can promise you that
besides the fashion show,
there's not much I like
about it as well. I feel like
I'm in a constant flight or
fight mode, it's just so

Why do you go then?

Because I'm a fashion and
lifestyle influencer and if I
don't go for no reason, I
might just not work with
any brands anymore

But there are some good

Really? Doesn't seem like it

It's going to sound stupid
but since I left France,
there are a few friends who
also are in content creation
that I don't get to see as
much as I used to. And
since some of them are
either invited to the shows
or to some parties, I get to
hang out with them

And I get to meet some new
people so it's kinda fun, just
a bit exhausting

I'm lying, it's actually
REALLY exhausting

I can imagine

I'm so sorry Arthur I have to
go to my first show right
now, I'll text you afterwards !

Have fun Lou! Just don't do
anything I wouldn't do

You do realise it leaves a lot
of possibilities

I know


One runway led to a second one for the day and then to an afterparty. Lou didn't have time to spare that day, so much so she couldn't text Arthur just once. The British man had been waiting all day for a quick text from the girl, but he guessed her schedule was just a little too busy that day, especially if she was seeing the friends she said she hadn't seen in a while. 

He ended up at George's place for a little get-together with Arthur Hill and Alex which took his mind off of the French woman. But it was pretty complicated with his friends asking him questions about him and the girl. 

Arthur tried his best not to sound too excited since he still had in mind the last girl he thought he had something with but who ended up calling things off with him. He didn't want his expectations to be too high this time, even though things seemed to be going well with the French woman. 

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