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"Guys !" Lou smiled as she saw her friends walking into the studio. 

The French girl wasn't lying when she told George that she would hire him as a model for her men's collection. But instead of just him modelling, she decided to have Arthur and Chris as well and have all three of them as the faces of her collection. 

The studio she rented in London buzzed with excitement as Lou's friends entered. The walls were adorned with pictures of the looks they would be wearing today and fabric swatches, giving the space an air of creative energy. Soft music played in the background, setting a relaxed yet focused atmosphere. 

Her team came all the way from France for the second part of the shoot since the first part happened in her home country right before the French Open. 

When the CEO told her team that some of her British friends would model the looks, they all thought it was a good idea. For the first part of the shoot, it was already some of her content creator friends who modelled the looks, so continuing on this same vibe was something the team agreed on. 

At first, her manager was a bit reluctant. But when Lou explained that she wanted people to feel like they could actually wear the clothes - that those could actually look good on them - she thought it was actually a good idea. 

The brunette didn't hate the idea of having professional models but when you are a Large and only see the clothes in XS, it's pretty hard to have a clear idea of what it would look like when put on. That's also one of the reasons her women's collection was modelled by her friends but also followers, no matter their sizes. 

"Hey Loulou!" George's booming voice filled the room as he wrapped Lou in a bear hug. 

Lou returned his hug. "You ready to be turned into supermodels?"

Chris grinned as he leaned against a worktable. "I've never thought of myself as a model, but I trust your vision, Lou."

Lou beamed at her friends. Their unwavering support meant the world to her. "Thank you, Chris. You'll see, you're gonna love the collection."

As they chatted and caught up, the studio's energy continued to build. George, the charismatic and ever-charming friend, poured himself a cup of coffee from a nearby table and joined the conversation. "So, Lou, spill the beans. What's the inspiration behind this collection?"

Lou's eyes sparkled with excitement. She motioned for her friends to gather around a mood board covered in magazine clippings, fabric samples, and colour swatches. "Well, this collection is all about classy but also easy to wear. I took inspiration from the southwestern coast of France, but also from what my friends would tell me. I did ask some of my male friends for help, with cuts, colours and stuff."

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "I feel like it's gonna be a bit weird for me. I'm usually a 'shorts and plain T-shirt' kind of guy for the summer."

"Yeah same" added Chris, "I'm more joggers and a tee shirt for the summer" 

Lou laughed. "Exactly why I wanted you two to model. You'll be the embodiment of embracing something new and different. And to be honest Chris, I'm not shocked since you literally sell joggers"

George touched the different samples of fabric. "And what about the materials?"

Lou grinned. "Most of the clothes are made of recycled linen and cotton. It's the summer so I wanted breathable fabric, but still environmentally conscious"

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