Chapter Fifteen

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"You were on fucking fire, Captain!" Alex, the younger of the McGraw twins, grabbed me and jumped about four feet in the air, using my shoulders as a launch pad

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"You were on fucking fire, Captain!" Alex, the younger of the McGraw twins, grabbed me and jumped about four feet in the air, using my shoulders as a launch pad.

I chuckled and caught his head in a headlock, playfully ruffling his fluffy blonde hair as he squirmed to break free. We tussled for a few minutes before he slumped in defeat. Owen, the other twin, swooped in, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I shifted my focus to catch him in the same grip. He giggled like a little boy and dodged my hands, running towards the showers. I looked away with a small smirk on my face. Truth be told, I hadn't stopped smiling since that final whistle.

I shook my head, trying to shake out the water in my hair before running my fingers through the damp locks. It would air-dry soon. Between putting on different items of clothing, my teammates came over one by one to offer their congratulations on my performance on the field.

"Not bad, Captain," Joey Finnigan said, begrudging admiration in his dark eyes. It was a refreshing change from the last two weeks when he'd made it his mission to challenge me at every turn. Not that I blamed him, he might not have gone about it the right way, but his fears were valid.

I jerked my chin at him, silently acknowledging his words. After pulling my football jersey on, I bent down to pull my shoes on and lace them up, ignoring the hard slaps on my ass from my rowdy teammates.

Once I was done, Tate, Ryan and Tai joined me, all of them already dressed and ready to head out, duffle bags slung over their shoulders. Tate held out a hand and I clasped it, drawing him in for a quick bro-hug as we patted each other's back.

"Nice moves today, Twinkle Toes," he said.

"Not bad yourself, Mitchell. You were almost able to keep up with me."

He chuckled while the others greeted me. Ryan grabbed my face and planted a wet one on both of my cheeks, his wet curls dripping water onto my nose. When I saw him reeling in for an actual smooch, I blocked him with a hand on his face and shoved him away. He laughed and stumbled back, bumping into Tai, who silently caught and righted him.

"We ready to head out? My car's parked pretty close." Tate asked and I nodded in agreement.

"AFTERPARTY, BABY. FUCK YEAH!" Alex screamed, zooming past us. A couple of guys cheered in response.

"Make good decisions! Use protection!" I yelled after him.

"Yes, Dad!"

We all laughed and headed out, our footsteps echoing through the corridor like a victory anthem. I tried to ignore the high I was currently riding, clenching and unclenching my hands. I bounced on my heels when walking became too stifling. The adrenaline had yet to leave my system and I looked like a crackhead coming off his high.

I took a deep calming breath, taking in the smell of blood, sweat, and grass. Not a lot of people liked that smell, but I lived for it. This place was more than just a playing field; it was my sanctuary, where my abilities shone the brightest and where I found solace amidst the chaos of the crowd. It was the only place where the world felt like it made sense.

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