Chapter Twenty-One [Part 1]

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We arrived at the place that night, some of the guys catching a ride with me

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We arrived at the place that night, some of the guys catching a ride with me. The house was still ugly as shit, only now I didn't give a fuck. However, I was still cautious as I walked over the squeaky porch. I noticed some of the guys were just as weary.

Inside, the house was alive with groups of people, all drinking and talking amongst each other. Someone had put on a generic Spotify playlist and it played in the background. Jamie—or was it Janice? I was pretty sure her name started with a 'J'. Whatever, Matthew's soon-to-be girlfriend, darted over with a brightness in her eyes the moment she spotted him. She offered a shy smile, tiptoeing to plant a brief kiss on him. I diverted my gaze, finding the display slightly awkward to witness. After their quick exchange, her attention shifted, sweeping across our group until her eyes settled on me.

"Oh, hi, Tristan. I didn't realize you were coming," she said, eyes wide with nerves.

I shrugged, tucking my hands into my pockets. "Last minute decision. Sorry about your shower — heard it was bad."

She blinked, appearing very confused. "Our shower? What's wrong with our shower?"

"Uh, the pipes burst?"

She shook her head, giggling. "Our shower didn't burst, it's perfectly fine. Where'd you hear that?"

So Hannah had lied to me. Interesting.

My hands clenched in my pockets as I tried to figure out why. She was perfectly fine when I'd left my seat to go give a presentation on our project. And her eyes had remained glued to me throughout the whole thing. I know this because I kept sneaking looks at her as well.

But then it hit me – her eyes hadn't just been on me. They'd been on Skylar as well.

Ah. I think I knew what was up.

"Oh my God, Tristan Beckett, you're back. It's so good to see you!" A hand curled around my bicep, and a familiar brunette stepped into my line of sight.

She was dressed in a tight black outfit that left little to the imagination, emphasizing her generous cleavage. Before Hannah came into my life, I might have found her appealing. However, at that moment, I didn't even feel a hint of interest.

I gave her a quick smile before looking back at Julia. "Is Hannah here?"

She opened her mouth to reply, but the brunette interrupted her, stepping closer to me.

"Hannah? Why would you want to see Hannah? I'm telling you — that girl is a major bitch. She has a serious attitude problem."

I tensed, shoulders going stiff at the girl's words.

"Amanda!" Jordan or Jade hissed.

"What? I'm telling the truth and you know it. That bitch doesn't belong here."

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