Chapter Fifty-One

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As soon as Beth laid eyes on them, it was like all the hope and fight drained from her body

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As soon as Beth laid eyes on them, it was like all the hope and fight drained from her body. She just seemed to give up and go quiet as the officers escorted her away, silent tears staining her cheeks as they half-carried her out the door. 

After she was put in the back of the police cab, the girls and I gave the two cops a breakdown of what happened. I made the deliberate choice to withhold information about the baby because I didn't think it was any of their business, and because a large part of me was scared that her parents wouldn't take it well if they found out — I'd never met them after all. I noticed that the others followed my cue and stayed quiet on that topic. However, I did disclose the truth about Dylan's abuse towards Beth, hoping that revealing this would make them more sympathetic towards her.

But when I asked them if they were going to help her — because she really needed it — the man just said that they would be contacting her parents to come get her, and that I was more than welcome to press charges if I still feared for my life. Alternatively, he recommended getting a restraining order.

His words made it harder to watch them take her away. I felt a sharp pang of regret that the police were involved, especially since it seemed like the two officers perceived our situation as nothing more than a petty squabble between college girls over the same guy — and that today had gotten a little out of hand. At least he said he'd talk to her about laying abuse charges against Dylan. Not that she would.

The whole situation just felt hopeless.

Jenny sidled up next to me as we watched the cops drive away from the front porch. "I can tell you're feeling guilty, but you shouldn't. She attacked you — you're the victim in all this. We did the right thing by calling the cops."

Victim. There was that word again, and this time it was being directed at me. I understood why Tristan hated it so much.

"Did we?" Because it didn't feel like it.

"What else could we have done? We can't help someone who doesn't want help, and none of us are equipped to give her what she needs."

She had a point. In fact, I only escaped Dylan's influence when I was forcefully removed and kept away from him. It was going to be a lot harder for her considering they were family

"I just feel like she's not going to get the help she needs," I said, rubbing my sore throat. "She still loves him. I couldn't get through to her."

And I felt like I was letting myself down by not helping her. I felt like I owed it to my younger self to do something.

"Maybe you did all you could, and maybe her parents will do something when they find out about this. She's probably going to the hospital soon and I'm pretty sure they'll do a psychiatric evaluation." She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Speaking of hospitals, we should head there now. Molly's getting antsy about possibly having rabies, and you're looking really pale."

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