Chapter 2

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A loud crack of thunder filled the air of Godric's Hollow. A bright light appeared in front of the church, before suddenly fading back to darkness.

"Lily?!" a man with dark hair slowly stood up and clutched his aching head.

"James?" a woman with red hair ran over to him, trying her best not to stumble. For some reason her legs felt like jelly.

"Oh Lily..." he held her tightly, before looking around. "Where are we? What happened?"

"I think we're at the church." She replied, finally breaking the embrace. "The last thing I remember..." her eyes widened. "Voldemort was at the house!"

James' face lit up in horror, "Harry!" the two Gryffindor's sprinted off towards their home, in search of their son. However, when they got there, their hearts sank. All that was left of their humble abode, was a hole in the ground.

James ran up the side walk, and started digging through the rubble. "No no no..."

Lily collapsed onto a tree stump, "This can't be happening... we... we couldn't have been gone more than a few minutes... oh Harry..." she began sobbing.

James screamed in rage, as he kicked a turned over nightstand. "What happened?! Did we apparate? Did that, that monster send us away from the house?! Harry..." he went over to his wife and the two sobbed into each other's shoulders.

After several minutes, Lily finally wiped her eyes. "I'm going to kill him." she looked her husband straight in the eyes. "I'm going to kill that man for what he's done to our son."

James numbly nodded, "We... we need to speak to Dumbledore... let him know what's happened. And... god we'll have to tell Remus and Sirius... I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do."

The pair slowly stood up and took one last glimpse at their house, "We... we need to apparate to Hogwarts. Inform the Order. Dumbledore will know what to do." He nodded, before taking her hand in his. A second later, the had popped out of the small and dreary village. In their grief, they had failed to notice the new statue that had been erected in the cemetery...


Harry laid on his bed for several hours, unmoving. He could hear his uncle's guests arriving. They started eating and seemed to talk and laugh loudly for hours. Harry's stomach growled, wishing that he had had a chance to nick some food earlier. He'd just have to try to get something in the morning. Assuming he'd even be able to walk...

After several hours, the noise eventually started the quiet down. Then, one by one, came the thunderous footsteps of his uncle, stomping up the stairs. The door swung open with such force, it shook the book shelf.

"Up!" His uncle commanded.

Harry did as he said, and wen to his usual position, with his hands braced against the wall. After several seconds, his uncle's belt made contact right between his shoulder blades. As time went on, the blows became faster. "Don't you ever, threaten my son again!" he sneered.

Once he had gotten tired of the belt, he grabbed Harry by his neck, and threw him onto the ground. He proceeded to stomp, and kick at him, until he had finally had enough and exited the room. Harry stayed in that position for the rest of the evening, unable to think clearly thanks to his throbbing headache. He eventually drifted off into the land of sleep, praying that this time, maybe he wouldn't wake up...


James and Lily popped into Hogsmeade and started to make the trek up to the castle. Neither of them said a word, as they both dealt with their grief. How could one man be so cruel, that he would kill an innocent child, who had done nothing wrong in this world. They finally reached the front gates and went inside.

"James..." Lily started looking around as they passed through the quiet halls of the old castle. "It's October, where are all the kids?"

He glanced around as well, before turning back to his wife. "It's late, they're probably all in bed."

She gave him an incredulous look, "Sense when, have students actually gone to bed on time at this place?"

He didn't answer, as he started mulling things over in his mind. He started to pick up on other discrepancies. When they were at the house, whatever fire had been there looked like it had been put out hours, if not days before. Plus, the weather was much warmer than it should have been in the middle of autumn. He couldn't focus on any of these thoughts, as they had finally reached the entrance to the Headmaster's office.

"Lemon Drops." Lily said to the gargoyle, but nothing happened.

James sighed, "He must have changed the bloody password again. I guess we'll just have to try different types of candy."

"Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans."

"Chocolate Frogs."

"Licorice Wands."

"Pumpkin Pasties."

"Acid pops."

"Sugar Quills."

"Fizzing Whizzbees."

Finally, the door creaked open, and they ran up the stairs, not able to contain their rage any longer. They wanted something done, and it needed to happen now.

(A/N - hey guys, thanks for reading! hope you liked it)

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