Chapter 29

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Once they had finished breakfast, they took the floo to the Leaky cauldron. It was kind of odd walking through Diagon Alley with his parents disguised as the Weasley's, but Harry didn't mind it too much. The fact that he was able to go get school supplies with his parents was reward enough.

"Alright," James shook the soot out of his now red hair. "Where to first?"

Harry looked down at his list, "The first thing on the list are my books."

"To Flourish and Blotts it is then." Lily took Harry's hand as he led them down the street.

"It's so amazing." James looked around as they walked down the street. "Last time I saw this place... everything was boarded up. But now... it's full of life again..."

"It's wonderful..." Lily said quietly.

After they picked up Harry's books, they went on to the Apothecary and . They also stopped by Eyelop's Owl Emporium to get some treats for Hedwig.

"Alright," Harry looked down at his list. "I think that's everything."

"Oh no it's not." James smiled. "It's your birthday, and I need to make up for missing out on 13 years of spoiling you with Quidditch Supplies."

Lily rolled her eyes as James practically dragged Harry into Quality Quidditch Supplies. "I really don't need all of this..."

"Nonsense!" James continued piling Harry's arms with different types of Quidditch related goods. "All of these things are vastly important!" Harry looked to his mother for help, but she could only laugh. Once they had exited the store, harry thought his arms were going to break.

With the shopping out of the way, their final destination was . "So, have you had a good day?"

Harry grinned as he wiped the ice cream from his face. "This has been the best birthday ever!"

James smirked, "Well, I think we might be able to make it a bit better..."

"Huh?" but before he was able to ask what he meant...

"Is that Harry Potter?"

"Yes, it is!"

"It is such an honor to meet you!"

"It's the boy who lived!"

Harry groaned as their table was suddenly flooded by on lookers. He tried to hide behind his dad, but they kept coming at him, trying their hardest just to get a look at him.

"That's enough!" James suddenly stood up. "Leave the boy alone!"

The crowd dejectedly began to disperse. "Does that happen a lot?" Lily asked sadly.

He nodded, "All the time. When Hagrid took me shopping before first year... it was insane. It's times like these I miss being a nobody with the Dursleys..."

James wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You don't deserve that. And you don't deserve this. I wish there was a way that we could stop it."

"It's ok." He leaned into his hug. "I don't care what I have to go through. Just having you back is enough..."

"Potter?!" he suddenly flinched and moved himself out of James' grasp.

"I though it was you!" James and Lily watched as a boy with bright blonde hair walked up to them.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry glared at him and suddenly the resemblance to his father seemed uncanny.

"I just wanted to check in on you. See how the shopping with the lower class was going." He sneered.

"Just leave us alone."

"Yeah, or what?"

James was about to step in again, when Harry smirked. "Or I'll tell Hermione you called her a Mudblood again."

Suddenly, his face paled. "You watch yourself Potter, or my father will be hearing about this..." And with that, he stormed away.

"Sorry about that. That was Draco Malfoy. He's a Slytherin and he kind of hates me."

"We could see that." Lily said with concern. "Does he give you too much trouble?"

He shrugged, "A little, but nothing I can't handle."

"You said he had called Hermione a Mudblood before. What did she do the first time?" James asked.

Harry smiled, "She punched him in the nose."

Lily smiled, "I knew I liked her." They all started laughing as they made their way home.

(A/N - hey guys, thanks for reading!)

Risen from the Ashes (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें