Chapter 30

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As soon as they stepped through the fireplace of Remus' house, Harry knew something was going on. All the lights were off, even though it was now dark outside, and Remus and Sirius should have been home hours ago.

"SURPRISE!" Harry about fell over as all of his friends popped out from behind the furniture.

"What... what's going on?!" he looked to his mother.

Lily smiled, now looking like herself again. "It's a surprise party. Happy birthday Harry." She kissed him on the cheek.

Now that the lights were on, he could see that the whole house had been decorated in red and gold decorations. "All of this is for me?"

"Of course, it is silly." Ron and Hermione came up to him wrapping him in a tight hug. "Happy birthday mate."

"Thanks guys..." he had to keep himself from crying. "Sorry... I've never... done this sort of thing before..."

"That's alright, love." Mrs. Weasley came up and wrapped him in a hug. "We'll help you get used to it."

"Happy birthday Prongs Jr!" Sirius came over and hugged Harry so tight, he lifted him off the ground.

Harry began laughing as Remus joined the hug. "So, you weren't really running errands were you?"

Remus smiled, "No, we were actually hiding in the wardrobe in Sirius' room until you all left. Which is very hard I might add given how loud he is."

"Oh, shut it!" They began laughing again. "Once you left, we called everyone over so that they could help get everything together. You parents made good distractions."

"Happy birthday friend Harry Potter!"

"Dobby! You came!" he smiled and gave the elf a hug.

Dobby grinned up at him, "Dobby would not have missed it for the world."

"Happy birthday, my boy." He smiled up at Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall."

As Harry was speaking with Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore went over to James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus. "I just thought I would let you know of the strangest occurrence. It seemed that the Dursley's suddenly decided to move to France. They were going on about there being ghosts in the house if you can believe it. Quite odd I must say. In other exciting news, I heard from Peeves that he was going on holiday to Paris over the Fall. Isn't that lovely?" they all smiled and thanked him. "What for? I'm simply relaying the news."

"Happy birthday Harry!" he looked up and grinned when he saw Hagrid walking over to him. He quickly wrapped him in the tightest hug of all. "I heard from the Professor about your folks. About bloody blew me away. But he was right, there they are. He also told me about... the other things..." he sniffled. "I'm sorry I didn't realize when I picked you up..."

"It's alright." Harry smiled. "You were the one who introduced me to all of this. Thank you." More tears spilled from his eyes.

Once all the greetings were out of the way, they all sat down for cake, courtesy of Mrs. Weasley. Harry didn't think he had ever seen a cake that big. Before they began eating, Mr. Weasley pulled out an old Polaroid camera that he had taken from the Ministry. With a bright flash, this moment would be immortalized forever.

After cake, they all went into the sitting room to hand out presents. Harry couldn't believe the amount of gifts he had received. A Wizard Chess set from Ron, a Phoenix feather quill from Hermione, a bottle of color changing ink from Ginny, and so many other wonderful things. It finally got down to the last present from Fred and George.

He carefully opened the box and rolled his eyes when he saw what was inside. "Ha ha. Very funny."

"What?" George grinned, "Incase you get lonely and need someone to talk to!"

Harry slowly pulled a bright green snake out of the box. "Really?" Lily and James looked on in surprise as everyone else began to chuckle.

"His name is Herold." Fred added.

The snake hissed angrily. "Actually, he says his name is Anthony." He hissed again, "Also he says that neither of you know how to properly care for a snake."

"What is he talking about?" James asked in confusion.

Fred glared at the snake, "Well you tell Anthony I'm still mad at him for biting my hand!"

Lily and James nearly jumped out their skin as Harry made a hissing sound as he talked to the snake.

"Harry's a Parselmouth?!" Lily gasped.

Ron just chuckled, "What, you didn't know?"

James nearly fainted.

Once everyone had left, Harry and his parents went up to his room while Sirius and Remus cleaned up. "Did you have a good birthday?" Lily gently stroked his hair as they sat together on the bed.

"The best." He smiled and curled into their sides.

"I'm glad." James smiled. "Just wait until next year. It'll be even better."

Harry smiled brightly as he slowly began to drift off to sleep. The next day, Lily and James would make to return public. Things would be crazy until school started, but together they would get through it. Sirius' name would be cleared, and James and Lily would buy a small house that they all could stay at. The following year would mark the return of Voldemort, but Harry didn't have fight alone. Thanks to his parents' guidance, Harry wouldn't be tricked into going to the Department of Mysteries. Their presence at the battle of Hogwarts also saved the lives of Lupin, Tonks, and Fred. But all of that was for another day.

Today, Harry was just content to spend his birthday surrounded by his parents and those who loved him most. While he might not know what the future held, he knew that he had people who loved him and that he too, deserved to be happy.

The End.

(A/N - Well guys, that's it. Thanks so much for reading!! :) I hope you liked it!)

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