Chapter 9

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The Marauders watched as Harry made sure the door was closed before walking back over to them. "Dobby!"

A second later, a house elf popped into view. This took all of them by surprise. Remus and Sirius didn't even know Harry had a house elf!

"Master Harry has called Dobby?" the small elf smiled at him.

"Hey mate!" Harry went over to him and gave him a hug. James was in shock. Not only, was Harry treating the house elf as if they were equals, but he was only a couple inches taller than him. Harry smiled down at him. "How have you been? And I've told you before, don't call me master! We're friends."

"Dobby has been wonderful... Friend Harry Potter." He giggled to himself as he said the words. "Ever since Harry Potter freed Dobby from his terrible master, life has been much happier. Dobby has gotten many compliments on his sock!" he lifted up his foot to show it off.

Harry laughed and Lily's heart melted. That was the first time that she heard it. It was such a beautiful noise.

"I'm glad you like it." Harry smiled, "But you know, I could get you a nicer sock if you want. I had just about worn a hole in that one when I gave it to you."

"I would not dream of it, Friend Harry Potter!" Dobby said quickly. "This was the first gift that Dobby ever received. Dobby will cherish it forever."

"Alright, if you say so. But here..." he hobbled over to his dresser, trying not to put too much pressure on his leg. "At least take this so you have two socks."

Harry held out another sock to him and his eyes widened, "Friend Harry Potter... is giving Dobby a second sock?" he nodded. "Oh, thank you! Dobby does not deserve such kindness! Dobby must punish himself!"

"No no no don't do that!" Harry whisper yelled and quickly held him against his chest before he could slam his head against the wall. "Remember what we talked about?"

"Dobby... deserves happiness..." he murmured slowly.

"Uh huh. And?" Harry prodded.

"Dobby... doesn't deserve... punishment..." he continued.

"Good." Harry smiled at him. "One more..."

"Everyone... makes... mistakes..." he finished.

"Brilliant!" Harry let him go and smiled at him. "Any time you think you need to punish yourself for something, just remember what we practiced." Dobby gave him a small salute.

"See?" Remus smiled over at James and Lily who had tears in their eyes. "Like we said. Heart of gold."

"Dobby, can you do me a favor?" the elf quickly nodded. "See those two?" he pointed at Sirius and Remus. "Do you know who those two are?"

Dobby nodded, "That is Remus Lupin. Former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And that is Sirius Black. Escaped convict of Azkaban Prison and god father of Harry Potter."

Harry nodded, "Ok, and do either of them have any kind of concealing magic up? Are they really who they say they are?"

Dobby did something with his hands before turning back to Harry. "Yes, they are real."

"Good." He frowned a bit and looked over at James and Lily. "And what about those two? And do they have any kind of concealing magic?"

Dobby hung his head and started shaking. "Dobby is sorry. He does not recognize them from any of his travels or from his time following Harry Potter."

"It's ok mate." Harry encouraged. "But are they real?"

Dobby scanned them and nodded, "Yes, they are who they appear to be." Harry's eyes widened in shock as he turned back to James and Lily. He was about to say something when, "Dobby is sorry. Dobby has failed Harry Potter."

"No! Wait!" he tried to grab him, but Dobby had already loudly started thumping his head against the wall. "Stop Dobby! That's enough! I'll call you again later." The elf hung his head before popping away.

"I..." he looked back at the others as he heard yelling from downstairs. "You... you need to get back in the closet... if he sees you..."

"No." James said forcefully. "You will not be putting up with that man any longer."

Harry stared at him in wonder, as the door suddenly swung open.

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading!) 

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