Chapter 24

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Harry blearily blinked his eyes open. "Hey sleepy head."

He looked up and saw Ron and Hermione sitting on the ground next to him.

"Hey," he sat up and took his glasses from Hermione. "What time is it?"

"About 8." She replied.

"Our mums are in the kitchen making breakfast." Ron shook his head, "That is just so weird..."

Harry smiled, "Trust me, I know how you feel. Where's everyone else?"

"Professor Dumbledore brought Professor McGonagall by earlier. She was... surprised... to say the least." Hermione continued. "They're in the other room talking with your dad, Sirius, and Remus. I think they're going to be staying for breakfast."

"The twins and Gin had to pop back to the house to get something." Ron finished, "We decided to stay here and wait 'til you woke up."

"Thanks guys." Harry smiled at them. "You're the best friends a bloke like me could ask for."

"Harry..." Hermione chewed her lip. "Why didn't you tell us? About the Dursleys I mean..."

His smile fell, "I... before I came to Hogwarts... I had never had any friends before. When I met you guys on the train... it was the best day of my life. I was afraid... that if you knew... you wouldn't want to be my friends anymore..."

Ron immediately wrapped him in a hug so tight it made his joints pop. "Don't be stupid. Of course, we'd still want to be your friends. You're my best mate."

Hermione tearfully joined the hug, "We love you, Harry. We would do anything to make sure you were safe."

His smile returned, and he wiped a tear from his eyes, "I love you guys too... Thank you..."

"Breakfast is ready!" Lily walked in and saw the three Gryffindors hugging. She smiled to herself; she couldn't have wished for her son to have a better pair of friends. They all made their way into the kitchen.

As soon as Professor McGonagall saw Harry, she wrapped him in a tight hug, "I am so sorry... I knew those muggles were bad news, but I never thought..."

"It's ok Professor." He gave her a small smile, "I don't blame you."

"You're too sweet..." everyone took their seats and began talking happily.

"I can't wait for you to see this boy on a broom James." Professor McGonagall remarked. "He's the best chaser Gryffindor has ever had."

"Better than me?" he said in mock hurt.

"Yes." The sheer bluntness that came with her response made everyone die of laughter.

"Young Harry is very talented," Professor McGonagall continued, "Although his grades could be a bit better."

"I'm right here Professor!"

"Yes, I am aware." She stared down at the children. "How is all of your summer homework going?" the boys winced.

"Mine is going very well professor." Hermione smiled to herself. "I even wrote to Professor Flitwick and asked if he could send me some extra assignments so that I could get a jump on next semester."

Dumbledore whistled, "Very impressive Miss Granger."

"I'm doing pretty good too." Ginny added. "All I have left is my essay for Transfiguration. Speaking of which, I might have a couple of questions for you before you go Professor."

McGonagall smiled, "I would be happy to help."

"And what about you boys?" Sirius said with a smirk. "How's your homework going?"

The four looked between each other nervously.

"Well, uh..." Harry began. "I wasn't actually allowed to work on my homework. So, I haven't started."

"That's understandable dear. I'm sure Hermione can help you get a start on it." Molly then glared at her other children. "And what about you lot?"

"Uh..." George looked to Ron and Fred for support. "Well, we... uh... it's really the strangest thing mum. We had everything done when out of nowhere a..."

One glare from his mother stopped him dead in his tracks, "THE TRUTH!"

"We erm... haven't started yet..." Ron said quietly.


"We haven't started yet..." Fred said a bit louder.



The rest of the day was spent with the teenagers sitting at the dining room table, working on their assignments.

"That bloody woman." Fred grumbled. "She always makes such a big deal out of everything."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Well maybe if you hadn't waited until the last minute, this wouldn't have happened."

"How come you aren't getting mad at Harry?!" Ron protested.

Ginny hit her face with her palm. "Because Harry has a good excuse you idiot."

Harry grinned cheekily and stuck his tongue out at his friend. George wacked him over the head with a roll of parchment and they all started laughing.

"I had forgotten how humorous homework could be." Everyone stopped laughing when James and Lily walked in.

"Sorry Mr. Potter." Ginny squeaked and went back to her work.

He laughed, "Don't worry, I'm just messing with you. We'll just tell your mum you're taking a little break if she asks." They all let out a sigh of relief.

"So, how's it going?" Lily looked down at the book in front of Hermione.

"Good." She scrunched up her nose. "I just cannot figure out this hair loss charm though..."

"Here." Lily took out her wand and showed her the proper wand movement. Once she had finished, James let out a shriek.

"Bloody hell!" the kids all laughed as he clutched his now bald head.

Lily smiled, and pointed back at the book, "Now try this one."

Hermione performed the charm and smiled as the hair reappeared on his head. "Brilliant! Thank you, Mrs. Potter!"

"You're welcome, dear." She smiled.

"Hey!" Ron grinned and looked at Harry, "You should use that spell on Snape the next time he tries to give you detention!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "I think I'd rather not get expelled, thank you very much."

"Besides," George chuckled, "That git's hair is so greasy it's probably glued to his scalp!"

"Did you say Snape?" they looked up and saw that both of Harry's parents' eyes had gone wide.

"Yeah," Fred rolled his eyes, "He's our potions professor. He's a total wanker. And for some reason, he has a particular grudge against Harry."

He groaned, "I don't know why though! It's like from day one, he's hated my guts!"

"He has saved you several times." Hermione said in defense. "Remember with Quirrell and the broom. And he tried to protect us when Remus turned into a werewolf."

Ron rolled his eyes, "A couple good deeds doesn't make him a saint. He's still a prat."

"What's his first name?" Lily asked quietly.

"Severus." Ginny replied.

James stomped out of the room, towards the living room where the other adults were chatting. "DUMBLEDORE!" 

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading!)

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