Chapter 4

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"Thirteen years?!" they both stood up in horror, "That's impossible! We couldn't have been gone for more than a few days at most!"

"Please calm down," they both sat back down. "I am so sorry that you both have had to go through all of this but let me try to explain. On the night you were killed, I sent Hagrid to retrieve Harry. He was fine, save for an injury on his head that has left a rather peculiar lighting shaped scar. He grew up and has already spent three years at Hogwarts. He's become rather famous in the wizarding world thanks to everything that has happened. He's pretty shy about all of the attention, but he has managed to make some very good friends. Arthur and Molly Weasley had a son that his is very close with, and there is a muggle born girl who helps keep the two in line. The three are practically inseparable."

"I just can't believe it..." Lily began crying, "We've missed his first steps, his first words... his whole childhood..."

James wiped tears from his eyes, "Where... where has he been staying? With Sirius I presume?"

Dumbledore chewed his lip, "I believe I will need some help explaining this part... he walked over to the fire place and threw some floo powder in. "Remus Lupin."

A moment later the foggy picture of a man appeared. "What is it Professor? Is something wrong?"

"Good evening Remus, I'm sorry to be troubling you so late, but something urgent as come up." He explained, "I need you to come through. And bring our... furry friend..."

"Ok..." the head popped out of the fire, and they waited a moment before two men came tumbling out. "What is it? Has something happened?"

"Is it something with Harry?" the other man asked, "He hasn't responded to the last few of my letters. I'm beginning to worry."

"Well, it uh... does pertain to Harry in a way..." he gestured over to the other side of the room, and the two men's jaws dropped.

"James... Lily...?" Sirius stood there frozen.

Remus on the other hand, quickly raised his wand and pointed it at them, "What kind of cruel trick is this?! Impersonating two of my dearest friends?! Whoever you are you should be ashamed!"

Lily slowly stood up and walked over to him. His hand shook, as she gently cupped his face, "You've aged..."

"I..." he didn't know what to say, "Prove that you are who you say you are!"

James walked up next to his wife, and suddenly transformed into his animagus form. After a moment, he changed back. "That proof enough?"

Sirius and Remus both immediately launched themselves at their friends. "I... I can't believe this..." they both sobbed.

The four Gryffindors held each other for several minutes before Dumbledore lightly cleared his throat and got them back on track. Producing two more chairs, they all sat back down. "I know you all have questions, so let me do my best to explain..." he told them about the comet and how he hypothesized that Harry had been the one to make the wish.

Sirius snorted, "Well I'll be. I knew the kid was powerful, facing Voldemort three times and all, but this is bloody brilliant!" Remus quickly punched him in the shoulder as James and Lily gasped.

"What do you mean three times?! You said he was dead!" Lily said in horror.

Dumbledore sighed and turned to Sirius, "I had not quite gotten to the tales of Harry's more... exciting adventures..."

"Oops..." Sirius blushed.

"He is dead." Remus explained. "At least, as close as he can be. A couple years ago he somehow possessed a teacher and tried to steal the Philosophers Stone. Harry and his friends kept that from happening, and thanks to Harry he was weakened further."

"Then after that," Dumbledore continued, "Tom Riddle's Diary was given to a student and was used to open the Chamber of Secrets. Once again, Harry and his friends put a stop to it. That has been the last we have heard from him for a couple of years now."

"That boy of yours really has a knack for getting into trouble." Sirius joked.

Remus smiled at the two of them, "You both are going to be so proud. He is the sweetest, most brilliant boy I have ever met. He is loyal to a fault, honest, caring, and he even receives good marks. In my class at least."

"Oh, Remus you're a teacher?" she smiled broadly at him.

"Well, I was..." he looked down, "After word about my... condition... got out, the Ministry wouldn't let me stay on."

"Oh..." silence fell over the room.

"Forget all of that sappy stuff that Remus said," Sirius grinned and turned to James, "The best part is, that boy is a bloody good Quidditch player! Professor McGonagall put him on the team as a first year!"

"What really?!" James looked ecstatic. "That must be the first time in..."

"Over a hundred years!" they both said at once.

Remus and Lily rolled their eyes. "Of course, all you two care about is Quidditch..."

Sirius looked at her in mock hurt, "It's not like it's the only thing that makes him great. I'm just saying that when I first met him, and found out he played Quidditch, that was just the icing on the cake!"

Her brow furrowed, "What do you mean when you first met him? You're his godfather..."

Remus and Sirius frowned then turned to Dumbledore, "You havn't told them yet?"

He shook his head, "I figured it would be best that you explain it..."

Sirius sighed and they both sat back down. "After your deaths... I was sent to Azkaban for twelve years. A few months ago, Harry helped me escape. That was the first time I had ever met him..."

(A/N - Thanks for reading guys!)

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