Chapter 14

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The next morning Harry woke up to find that he felt surprisingly refreshed. He sat up and slowly stretched his muscles, pleased to discover that he felt much better than he had all summer. Remus must have given him some kind of healing potion.

He fumbled around before finding his glasses on the nightstand next to him. Once the room was in better focus, he realized that it wasn't the same room that he had been in the night before. Someone must have moved him into this one.

Harry swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Glancing over at the clock on the wall, he saw that it was nearing five o'clock in the morning. He actually slept in for once. He found some clothes sitting on a chair and started to change into them. It was odd, these weren't any of Dudley's old clothes that he had brought with him. These were way too nice. He'd have to ask where they came from once everyone else woke up.

Harry quietly creaked his door open and crept down the stairs to the kitchen. He began pulling out various pots and pans and started on his daily ritual of making breakfast. Remus didn't have much of a stocked kitchen, but he was able to make do. Once he got out everything he needed, he got to work.


"Mmm... something smells good..." James groggily looked up, and saw his wife getting changed. "Mmm... something looks good too..."

"Oh, shove off you perv!" she threw a pillow at him.

"You are literally my wife!" he protested. "How is that perverted?!"

She chuckled and went over to give him a peck on the cheek. "Good morning sleepy head."

"Getting bloody abused as soon as I wake up..." he grumbled as he rolled out of bed and started to change himself. "This is spousal abuse you know. I could bloody sue!"

"Uh huh..." she smiled and kissed him again. "You just do that. Meanwhile, I am going to go downstairs because it smells like Remus has made breakfast. Coming?"

"Well," he smirked, "I guess I can always call my lawyer later..."

She rolled her eyes, "You go ahead downstairs; I'm going to go see if Harry wants us to bring something up to him." She opened the door and was immediately met by Remus walking out of his own room. "Oh, good morning. Breakfast smells wonderful by the way. Thank you."

He looked at her in confusion, "I thought you were the one that did it." She shook her head.

James laughed, "There's no way Sirius did it. He would have bloody burned the house down if he even set foot in the kitchen."

"I resent that remark Prongs." At that moment Sirius walked out of his own room. "You're not wrong though so I can't resent it that much."

"Then who..." they walked down the stairs and saw that the dining room table was filled with a delicious combination of breakfast foods. They walked into the kitchen and found Harry standing on a chair dusting the shelf above the icebox.

"Good morning." He got off his chair and smiled up at them. "Breakfast is in the other room."

"You did all this?" James said in surprise as they all went back into the dining room to sit down.

"Yeah, sorry it's not much. I didn't have very much to work with." He apologized.

"Dear, this looks wonderful." Lily pecked him on the cheek. "You didn't need to do this. You should be resting."

He looked at her in confusion. "I always make breakfast."

They didn't quite understand what he was trying to say. "What were you doing in the kitchen?" Sirius asked.

"I was cleaning." He acted like this was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well yes you were cleaning, but why? You don't have to." Remus told him.

Harry shook his head. "You all are so strange... every morning I get up and make breakfast. After that I start on my chores. I always do the cleaning first because it's my least favorite. Unless..." he chewed his lip, "If there is something you would rather me do first that's fine too. I can start on the laundry, or I can go weed the garden, or..."

"No no no Harry, that's not what I meant..." Remus turned to his other friends who all looked concerned. "You don't have to do any of the cooking, or the cleaning. You're my guest. You don't have any chores."

"No... chores...?" he cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Then what am I supposed to do all day?"

"Well, what do you normally do all day?" Sirius asked.

"Chores." He answered simply.

"Oh sweetheart..." Lily hugged him. "You let me take of the cooking. And I'm sure Sirius and your father would love to help out around the house. You just focus on being a kid. Ok?" he looked confused but nodded anyway. "Good, now pull up a seat and let's eat."

"It looks like we're missing a chair." James pointed out. "There's only four."

"Oh no you're fine! You go ahead." Harry said quickly. "I usually just eat the burnt bits or whatever's left."

Lily had to keep herself from crying. How could someone have treated a child horribly for so long that he didn't think he deserved a proper meal. "That's not right..."

Harry looked on in wonder as Remus went into the next room and brought back a fifth chair. He set it down in between Sirius and James.

James gestured for him to come sit down next to him, and he did. He then began filling up a plate with food until it was practically overflowing. He then set it down in front of him. "Here you go champ." He ruffled his hair. "You made such a wonderful breakfast, it's only right that you get to enjoy it."

Harry looked down at his plate in shock, then back at the adults who were all smiling sadly at him. "Sorry..." he quickly wiped away a tear that had slipped down his cheek. "I... I'm not used to this kind of thing..."

"I know." James aid sadly. "but you will be..." 

(A/N - Thanks for reading!)

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