Chapter 15

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After breakfast, Remus refused to let any of the three Potters clean up, insisting that they were his guests. He instead grabbed Sirius, who complained that he was a guest too, but Remus didn't seem to care. This left Harry and his parents alone in the sitting room.

Harry nervously chewed on his lip as he stole a quick glance over at his parents sitting on the couch across from him. This was the first time that they had all been alone together, and he had no idea how to act around them. Would they still like him once they learned more about him? Maybe they would send him back to the Dursleys...

"Well Harry, tell us about yourself." Lily smiled at him. "What are your interests? Who are your friends? What's your favorite food? Your favorite subject? Your..."

"Woah slow down Lils!" James chuckled. "You're overloading the poor boy. Us Potter men can only focus on one thing at a time."

She rolled her eyes, "That's just men in general you idiot! None of you lot have any multitasking skills whatsoever!"

"Oh yes, because putting on mascara and eye shadow at the same time is sooo difficult!" He teased.

"Ugh! The nerve of..." she stopped when they both looked over at Harry who was holding his stomach from laughing so hard.

"Sorry..." he tried to catch his breath. "It's just... you two aren't exactly what I was expecting."

"And what were you expecting?" Lily asked with a smile, happy to get the opportunity to hear that beautiful laugh again.

"Well..." he thought about it for a moment. "It depends on who I asked. Remus and Sirius always talked about all of the pranks that you all pulled when you were younger. Professor McGonagall always told me how my mom was a good student... and would be disappointed in my misbehaving..." he blushed.

James started howling with laughter. "That's my boy!" Lily just rolled her eyes.

Harry smiled and continued, "Professor Dumbledore always said that you were both very brave. And Hagrid told me about how you two were madly in love. He even gave me this photo album of the two of you for my 11th birthday. It was brilliant! It was the first time that I had ever gotten to see what you both looked like."

Lily smiled sadly at him, "You had never seen our picture before you were 11?"

He shook his head, "My aunt and uncle always told me that you both died in a car accident. She said you were drunk driving."

"Oh, that bloody woman..." James was seething.

Lily gently put a hand on his arm to calm him down. She then looked back to Harry. "Now that you've... actually gotten a chance to meet us... do you like what you see?"

Tears started welling up in his eyes, "You're bloody brilliant..."

"Oh, come here..." they opened up their arms and he quickly ran over to them, and joined them on the couch. The three held each other as they all began to cry. They're tiny family had finally been reunited. And there was nothing anyone could do to separate them ever again...

(A/N - Hey guys, so sorry I forgot last week. Thanks for reading!)

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