Chapter 12

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Lily got up off the bed and turned to Remus, "You're the better healer, so you tell us what you need us to do."

Remus started to dig through his bag. He kept a decently stocked bag of healing supplies. Often times during his transformations he would wind up hurting himself, so he always had to be ready for when he changed back. "The first thing I would like to do is give him a sleeping potion. I don't want to invade his privacy but... it may be better if he isn't awake for some of this." The three nodded their heads in agreement.

Sirius took the vile from him and slowly administered the potion. "I could have sworn that he looked taller last time I saw him..." he muttered sadly.

"I suspect he may have been wearing a glamor." Remus commented as he looked for another potion. "I noticed that something looked... off... when I first met him. But I couldn't really put my finger on it. In hindsight, I think he must have put up a glamor for most of the school year."

"He probably didn't want his friends to know what was going on..." James ran his hand through the boy's hair. "Stupid Gryffindor stubbornness..."

"Funny..." Lily smiled at him sadly, "I seem to remember another Gryffindor that also seemed to think that he could handle everything on his own..."

"Ha ha, very funny." He gave her a small smile, grateful for the distraction.

"Alright," they all turned back to Remus. "That should keep him asleep from at least the next few hours. James and Sirius take off his shirt and trousers. I need to get a better idea of what I'm going to be healing. Lily, up in the attic there's a green trunk filled with some old clothes of mine. There should be a pair of pajamas in there that we can shrink down to fit him."

She nodded and ran out the door. James and Sirius started to work on unbuttoning the shirt and pants. "I can't believe those muggles called these proper clothes." Sirius muttered angrily. "They're huge! They barley fit the kid, and they're riddled with holes!"

With one last tug, they pulled the shirt off over his head. James thought he was going to faint as he looked down at his broken son.

"Ok, I found this pair Remus is this..." Lily froze as she walked in. Harry was now lying on the bed in just his boxers. His leg was clearly broken, as he had pointed out earlier. But what caught her attention was the sheer about of welts and cuts covering his body. There was not an inch of skin that wasn't either covered in a bruise, or old scars. The bruises were concerning, but the implication that the scars provided was even more so. This had been going on for years.

"I..." she collapsed into a chair next to the bed. "How could Petunia... how could she let this happen... he's her nephew..."

James laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, he's safe now. I'm going to be having some words with Dumbledore about Harry's treatment. If that man knew anything about this... I'll kill him..."

Sirius glared out the window with determination. "I'll be your second if you plan to duel him. If you want to just straight up kill him then I can help with that too."

Remus blocked out their conversation and switched off the emotional part of his brain. If he wanted to be of any help to Harry, he would have to focus. He began applying different types of salves to his wounds, and administering a cocktail of different potions. By the time he was finished, the sun was beginning to set. Harry was already looking significantly better, with some of his more minor injuries already having healed. But it would probably take at least another week before he was in top condition again. And even after that he would have to be on a strict regimen for food so that he was able to get all of the nutrients necessary for him to grow. It would be a long and grueling process, but he would get better in the end. All they had to do now was wait. 

(A/N - Thanks for reading!)

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