Chapter 16

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"Look! Remus look! They're bonding!"

"Shh!" he hit Sirius over the head. "They'll hear you!"

"Sorry..." Currently, the two elder Marauders were peaking their heads out of the kitchen, watching the three Potters talking on the couch. Harry was telling his parents about all of the friends he had made at school, winning the House Cup for Gryffindor, and all of the other wonderful things he had discovered in the wizarding world.

"And then, I caught the snitch in my mouth!" James was wheezing. "Definitely not the way I would have preferred to start my Quidditch career."

"Oh Merlin..." James was wiping his eyes, "My son's a natural Quidditch player. That's all I ever wanted."

Lily rolled her eyes, "You really need to sort out your priorities."

For some reason, Harry started laughing uncontrollably. They looked at him in confusion and he smiled, "Sorry, inside joke."

"So, what's your favorite subject?" Lily asked.

"Oh, Defense Against the Dark Arts for sure! It's definitely been the most useful." he smiled, "Professor Lupin was the best teacher I've ever had. I wish he could come back next year..."

"I still can't believe Remus became a professor." James laughed, "With all of the pranks we pulled over the years, I'm surprised they even let him set his foot through the door."

"It's such a shame that they won't let him back simply because of his condition." Lily glared angrily at the wall. "Those bloody bigots..."

"It could be worse." Harry continued. "He could have ended up like the last two professors. People say the DADA position is cursed."

"Cursed?" they asked.

He nodded, "The first one, Professor Quirrell turned out to have bonded himself to Voldemort." Their eyes went wide at his casual mention of the dark lord. "Ron, Hermione, and I found out he was trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so we stopped him. In doing so though, I accidently killed Professor Quirrell... the one after that, Professor Lockhart, was this big-time celebrity. He didn't take the job seriously. He accidently lost his memories when Ron and I saved his sister from the Chamber of Secrets."

"Someone opened the Chamber of Secrets?!" they were shocked.

"Oh yeah that's old news. Funny story, people actually thought I was the heir of Slytherin for a while." He kept going as they looked at him in horror. "Anyway, I went on to go kill the Basilisk and save Ginny from Tom Riddle's Diary, so I'm not entirely sure what happened to him after that. But yeah, it's not an easy job being the DADA teacher."

"And what about you..." James was stunned, "It sounds like you have had a hard time of it yourself."

He shrugged, "Those are just the simplified versions. I'll have to tell you more about it later. So..." he looked up at them, "How did you come back?"

The two looked at one another, then back at their son. "Dumbledore said that there was a magic comet a couple nights ago that only passes by earth everyone thousand years."

James gently ran his hand through Harry's hair. "He says that if a very powerful wizard, in this case you, had made a wish, fueled by love, then the comet could have granted that wish."

"So did you possibly wish that we would come back?" Lily asked.

Harry just shrugged, "I didn't see a comet, but it makes sense. I pretty much say something like that every night before I go to bed. So, if the comet took that as me making a wish then I'm not complaining." He wrapped both of them in a tight hug.

At this point, Sirius and Remus walked in. "You three seem to be getting along nicely." They all smiled at each other and nodded.

"Good..." Remus' smile turned to a small frown. "I hate to bring down the mood, but there is a matter I believe would be best if we discuss as soon as possible, so that we no longer have to think about it."

James hung his head, knowing what his friend was referencing. "Sirius mate, will you go call Dumbledore? I think he had ought to be here." Sirius nodded and ran over to the floo.

A few moments later the old headmaster walked through the fireplace. When he saw the Potters, all sitting on the couch together, a tear dripped down his cheek. "It is good to see the three of you together again..."

James glared at him, "Sit down professor. There are some things we need to discuss." Dumbledore was confused by the look but did as the man said.

Harry looked up at the five adults who were now all staring at him. "What are we going to talk about?"

"Harry..." Sirius gave him a stern look. "We need to talk about your abuse..." Dumbledore's eyes widened.

(A/N - thanks for reading! :) Happy New Year!)

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