Chapter 10

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"Boy, what is all that racket?!"

"You!" James glared at Vernon Dursley as he stepped into the room. "How dare you?!"

"What?!" Vernon stared at them in surprise. "How did you all get in here?! And..." his eyes fell on James and Lily. "It's not possible..."

Lily stomped up to him and punched him in the nose. "That's for hurting my son!"

This was the moment that all hell broke loose. The other three men quickly joined Lily in pummeling Vernon to the ground. Harry was in shock. He had dreamed of doing that same thing every day of his life. Once they had finished, Vernon was lying unconscious on the ground. "That was... bloody brilliant!" he grinned up at his mom who was wiping excess blood off of her hands.

She blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Maybe not the best first impression I could have made..."

Harry stared up at her and James, "You both... really are my parents...?" they nodded. He ran up to them and held them in the tightest hung his small limbs could muster. "I... missed you so much..." he said in between sobs.

"We missed you too..." everyone in the room was crying by this point. "We're sorry we left you..."

The three Potters stayed that way for quite some time before Remus quietly coughed and got their attention. "Perhaps we should be going?"

Lily and James nodded and stood back up. Harry longed for their touch again, so he gently took both of their hands. James smiled down at him. "Gather up all your things."

He nodded and went over to Hedwig's cage. Remus gladly took it from him, while Sirius took his photo album, invisibility cloak, and other miscellaneous items from under the floorboard.

"Is that it?" Lily asked in surprise.

He shook his head. "No, my school stuff is locked up in my old room."

The followed him down the steps but became confused when he stopped at the cupboard under the stairs. He looked up at Remus, "Uncle Vernon always keeps it padlocked. Can you undo it for me? I don't want to get in trouble for doing magic outside of school."

Remus nodded numbly and pointed his wand at the lock. Harry quickly crawled inside and pulled out his trunk. "Ok. That's everything."

"This... was your old room?" James said in horror as he caught a glimpse of the cramped space and numerous spider webs.

Harry just shrugged, "Yeah. But a couple years ago when I got my letters, they were addressed to the cupboard under the stairs. Uncle Vernon was afraid that sense Professor Dumbledore knew about it, that he would come to the house. So, he decided to let me have Dudley's second bedroom."

Lily had run out of tears to shed, "We're... going to be talking about all of the reasons that that is wrong... but for right now let's get out of here."

Harry wasn't sure what she meant but he happily followed them out of the door. Today had just been too much. Not only was he getting to leave Privet Drive, but his parents were alive! Things were finally looking up for him.

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading!) 

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