One: College Parties

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Corvina Maxwell

As I drew my rendition of Corpse Bride characters in my sketchbook, I watched the TV, a late night interview with The Ecstasy and I stared at the screen.

It was bizarre how well known they'd become. I was a senior in high school with my then friends and I had sent and snuck into a college party where they went to school and they performed there.

Before fame, before it all.

They were Juniors in college leaving a three/four year gap between us but they did their own music and covers.

Since then I'd watched them grow.

I'd gotten out of the loop on their music but since the lead, Valerian began writing the lyrics himself, I started to come back to it.

He was an amazing lyricist, he needed no help in generating his music and his voice was something to melt for.

The way he sang, it was like velvet, the vibes of The Neighborhood but his voice was deeper, as he sang about daddy issues and sex.

He sang about getting high both off drugs and someone.

It made me yearn to have my own person.

I've seen so many dark, erotic films with his music in it and it was just amazing how well his lyrics depicted how to love toxicity.

Some of my paintings were based on his songs.

Her Tears- was a favorite. About a man claiming a woman, making her unhappy but she fell in love regardless and he loved being the one to make her cry.

Dark, and something I wouldn't personally want but nonetheless it was art.

I also loved Edgar Allan Poe. So if that gave any indication it's that I adored the dark things that I've never experienced.

It was also just pretty, to surrender to depth like no other.

So I painted it, wrote it, drew it, used songs, music, and books as inspiration.

My pieces sold for thousands always and even more when it involved a popular concept.

So money wise, I was comfortable.

My first love was movies. Tim Burton. The man who made Coraline.

Then books. Scarlette St. Clair. Sophie Lark. Gina L Maxwell.

I loved the concept of helpless obsession.

Then music. The music from men who spoke about adoring women but in a deeper, darker, slightly more sexual way.

But there were only those vibes.

The Nbhd.

Chase Atlantic.

The Weekend.

Arctic Monkeys.

Cigarettes After Sex.

Black Atlas.

Montell Fish.

Two Feet.

And Ecstasy was all of it.

More specifically Valerian Calix was all of it.

Looks. Silence. All of him.

He interested me.

He never spoke in an interview. Always was solid on eye contact, that aspect never wavering which showed he wasn't shy. Silence was just a preference.

He didn't have social media. His band mates and best friends kept him informed.

He was just... silent.

Except for when he sang. Liquid gold spilling from his pink, defined lips.

I finished scribbling my Corpse Bride drawings. I did Victoria and Victor yesterday. Today I did Emily and the little eye worm and spider.

Tomorrow I want to draw the parents of Victor and Victoria because they seem like a unique challenge.

I stood, walking to my kitchen as I looked through my fridge and pantry.

My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hey Cor!" My bestfriend Jessie was laughing.

"What's up? Why the laugh?"

"I entered those radio drawings you think are stupid and guess what?"

"What? Did you win a fish? Get selected for a couples interview for advice?"

"No! I got tickets to Ecstacy! It comes with backstage passes." She giggled and I hummed.

"You gonna go? When is it?" I took out stuff to make myself pasta.

"We are going and it's Wednesday!"

"We? Wed- girl that's tomorrow? There's no concert!"

"Yes there is! You've been oblivious. But you should totally show them your painting of Her Tears!"

I took a breath.

"Jess, I have a public showing I'm not sure-"

"You're going. That's final."

"Whatever." I sighed.

"Do your showing earlier."

"I will. Love you. Be safe." I said and she said goodbye before hanging up.

Fucking Jessie.

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