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It's 5' o clock on a Sunday and I was running in the rain to get to my second job, the library, on the other side of town. I want to quit one of the jobs I can't decide: book shelf girl or assistant girl. I love books but being around them not being able to have a minute to myself makes me want to throw all my romantic books in the bin ( I won't I'm obsessed with all of them) but atleast I get a decent pay. The assistant job is also good because I get to have a rest when no one needs anything and they only call me to help if they want coffee.

I'm rambling now, back to the story.

As I was running down the street almost reached the library then...


I bumped into something rock hard and as I looked up I saw the most handsome specimen of a man I'd ever laid eyes upon. I was gobsmacked at how gorgeous he was.

He looked down at me with this bitch face. Excuse you, do I look that bad all drenched in rain?


Shut up brain.

"I'm so sorry," I muttered while inspecting his face. He really is gorgeous. He had blonde hair that fell on his face in the most perfect way ever, he had deep, ocean blue eyes that looked down at me coldly, his skin looks so soft like it wasn't tainted by a single ray of sunlight. He was perfect.

Shut up.

I expected him to assure me it's okay but he was being very indifferent. He just walked away like I'm nothing. Wow.

Anyways, I can't think about this now, I have 1 minute to get to the library. I sprinted there. Thank God I made it on time.

I returned to my apartment after my shift, I came straight home. It was 9pm by the time I got home and I was going through the mail.

Perfect. Another letter about rent being late. I almost had enough to pay it. I had spent most of my savings on my mom's medicine.

After my mother got fired from being an assistant of a billionaire, mother fell very sick and we had no income so I have been working 2 jobs to help her. We barely have enough food so whatever we do have, I give to her because she needs it more than me. I haven't eaten in 4 days. It's been tough.

I saw this letter with a fancy school logo on it. It had my name on it.

'To Blair Williams,

We would like to congratulate you on a scholarship into our prestigious private school'

I didn't finish the rest of the letter, I was so confused, I never applied for a scholarship.

I asked my mom about it and she told me she did it.

"Darling, you should have an education. You're 15. It's a great school, don't turn down this opportunity. I had a bit of money from your grandmother's will so I bought your uniform."

"We could have used that money for your medicine."

"You need to think of yourself for once, I'll be fine."

I nodded.

"You will start tomorrow. Your uniform is in my wardrobe."

I smiled. I'm so excited.

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