The hallway

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After all my morning class ended, it was finally lunch. I was walking to find my locker. Eventually I found it and I put my books inside. I didn't have enough money for food but I do get time to myself.

I went to find an empty classroom. Suddenly, I get cornered by two gorgeous girls. Low and behold, it's Naomi and Isabella.

"I saw the way you looked at Ledger. He's mine so back off." Isabella mentioned as she punched my gut. Then she left. That was weird.

I turned around to see Ledger staring at me. I had to walk past him to get to where I wanted to be. As I did everything started spinning. Everything was becoming shadows. Darkness.



I was walking to the bathroom after class and I see Blair, Naomi and Isabella talking. I guess she made friends. Boy was I wrong.

Isabella then punched Blair in the gut. Ouch. But Blair stood tall until they left. She composed herself. And turned around and looked at me. She shook her head and started walking. She barely walked past me and she stopped. She held her head in her hands. What on earth is she doing?


She's down.

She collapsed. There's no way Isabella punched her that hard.

I picked her up, she's incredibly light. That tells me something. THIS DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING, I STILL HATE HER!

I took her to the nurse and I told her not to tell Blair I took her here. I don't want her talking to me more because if she does I'll blow my brains out.

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