Chapter 14

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[Title: Joo Woosung’s SNS Spring?

I’m not a Black Call fan, but isn’t Joo Woosung famous for not posting videos of himself? Fans are always crying about it, but suddenly, a video of Joo_Woosung_and_the_Kitty.gif was posted last night.


Who is this person??? As far as I know, there are no trainees like this in Black Call’s agency. Is he just a regular person?

└ Seems like a regular person.

└└ Oh really?? But his face doesn’t look like a regular person’s?

└└ Okay.

└ At least among the rookies announced by the agency, there are no trainees like this, lol. Hey Woosung… Can you please post your face? ㅋㅋ

└└ ㅋㅋㅋ This is crazy, for real…]

[Title: Joo Woosung Posted Another Video on SNS! Why is he suddenly posting so many videos????

Fans asked him to post his face, so he did ㅋㅋㅋ He suddenly changed his ways ㅋ Joo_Woosung_and_the_Cat_Picture.jpg

But this time, he took a picture with that trainee? Regular person? They seem to get along really well, lol. Cute.

└ I know!!! He’s a member of DPS Entertainment.

└└ DPS??? Sorry, I’m not knowledgeable. Please tell me what that is.

└└ The Dawn (lit later)

└ Who is that anyway?? I heard of them before, but not really.

└└ ㅠㅠ I was passing by… I’m a fan of The Dawn… He calls himself Hoowoo. He didn’t debut due to health reasons, but he did record some songs with them. They are hardworking kids, so please look kindly upon them…

└└ Oh… (subdued) Sorry. Fighting!]

[Title: I heard from a friend (sorry)[1] that Joo Woosung and Seo Hoyun from The Dawn are close. I’m a big fan of The Dawn, but I went crazy when I recently saw Joo Woosung (sorry, I’m not one of his fans) on SNS.

Let me sort it out for you:

The Dawn’s debut album seemed to have failed, but they still have a handful of fans.
Seo Hoyun, who appeared with Joo Woosung on SNS, is a member of The Dawn but has never appeared on an official stage.
Joo Woosung and Seo Hoyun are strangely close friends; I don’t know where they came from, but I suddenly became interested in them. Seo Hoyun’s face is like a fox and rabbit, and he’s more to my taste than I expected. ㅋㅋㅋ I heard they will soon make a comeback, and I’m looking forward to it.
└ Thank you, Speed Wagon!

└└ Not at all!

└ Oh, thank you.

└ But I’m not really interested in it. ㅋㅋ I feel like The Dawn is trying to ride on Joo Woosung’s popularity.

└└ Tsk, it’s not like Seo Hoyun was the one that did it. Joo Woosung himself posted it. What’s the problem? ㅋㅋㅋ

└└ Yes, yes, they seemed close friends. I feel like they’ve known each other for a long time.

└ Black Call fans are going crazy over the flood of new photos of Joo Woosung and struggling to handle them. Plus, they’ve never seen anyone get along with Joo Woosung so comfortably, except with this member from The Dawn ㅋㅋㅋ

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