Chapter 44

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“What the heck… Why is the editing like this all of a sudden?”

The fans of The Dawn were utterly disgusted by the recently aired broadcast.

[“It’s true that they can’t perform well.”]

[‘As Seonghyeon watched Today’s stage, his face became more and more rigid…’]

[“Yes… you worked hard.”]

[‘The words Seonghyeon said after watching Today’s stage.’]

[“I… don’t really know.”]

They turned on the broadcast to see the handsome faces of The Dawn, but the more they watched, the angrier they felt.

The devil’s editing.

It was already well-known that tvK station was infamous for their devilish editing, so they were prepared for it. But even with the preparation… this third episode seemed to be particularly aimed at destroying Kim Seonghyeon.

“That’s a different outfit!”

It was too extreme.

“What, they’re piecing together every single line?”

It was almost like they stitched together every single line. However, the editing was so skillful and natural that it was easy to be fooled by it unless you were a hardcore fan.

In the broadcast that was deliberately edited to showcase malice towards Today, Kim Seonghyeon received enough hate and curses to give him immortality.[1]

[What kind of hoobae’s character is that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Wow, Kim Seonghyeon ㅋㅋㅋㅋ His school bullying personality is showing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Isn’t this an exaggeration? He can’t even read the situation and is acting like a fool in front of the whole nation, right?]

[Why doesn’t he just leave ㅋㅋㅋㅋ? I get annoyed whenever I see Kim Seonghyeon’s face.]

“You guys are the foolish ones…”

She blocked everyone, and she slowly posted updates on her SNS. Today was the day of their final showdown.

Shining Star second round competition.

According to what she heard, it’s a cover song contest.

Please, please don’t let it be Today.

If it wasn’t Today, they could somehow avoid this controversy. However, if they picked Today’s song and made even the slightest mistake, Kim Seonghyeon would disintegrate into dust, if not completely vanish into thin air.

Guys, fighting.

[Ahhhh, I finally got in ㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

The Dawn’s fan who finally got into the performance venue put away their slogan when they saw people around them. However, they still talked openly about the recent incidents on their private SNS account.

[There are two staff members today, but there are so many fans ㅋㅋ Is this for real? Did the production team put this in to stir up fandom fights? If they were going to do that, they shouldn’t have included such a controversial element.

Even now, after Kim Seonghyeon’s school bullying controversy erupted, opinions were divided among the fandom. However, she didn’t back down.

To be honest, she was skeptical, but since she had been a core fan of The Dawn since their very first song, she wanted to trust Kim Seonghyeon. And there was a reason for that: after performing on a rainy day, Kim Seonghyeon felt sorry for the fans who might be cold and bowed deeply to them, even buying canned coffee to share with them.

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